14- Dinner w/ the Prince

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14- Dinner w/ the Prince

I don't know and I forgot what happened last night at the party. All I remember is drinking, dancing and partying all night long till dawn and I got hella drunk last night, well not too drunk but I was all woozy after 3 beers.

I was in someone's embrace when I woke up, my face is buried on their bare chest and their arm was wrapped around my waist securely. I inhaled in the musk then squirmed off a bit to realize that someone is really holding me.

"Oh my god!" I pulled away but didn't budge because this guy is holding me with a grip. He groaned and my eyes darted up to the familiar face. Thank god it's not someone else from the party.

"Keith!" I hissed but he's sleeping like a baby, sounding asleep and peaceful. "Keith." I said and still, he wouldn't wake up. I tried sliding out of his grasp but nothings working for me.

"Stop squirming babe," he said groggily that sounded so sexy but I'm in the awkwardest position ever at the moment.

"Then let me go." I said and he didn't. I wonder what happened between us last night... For sure we didn't get down and dirty because my clothes are still on. Did we make out? I'm not so sure.

His eyes blinked open and it gaze down on me which looked a bit creepy. How did we even end up in this position? We're we cuddling? Wtf?!

"Why?" He asked me why he had to let go.

"Cause why are we even in this position in the first place?!" I questioned him and a smirk appeared on his face.

"You don't remember?" Keith said and I shook my head. Remember what? "Last night, you were cuddling me," he grinned deeply. Cuddling him?

"But now I'm not," I tried pushing him away again and now he let go of me. I forced myself to sit up and my head hurt like hell, making me lie back down.

"See, you don't even wanna leave my bed," Keith teased while he placed his arm around my waist, snuggling me closer to him.

"What happened last night?" I said, my head was throbbing and I squeezed my eyes shut tightly.

"We partied then we dance which was by the way hot, then got a bit drunk then the party died down and we went here in my place," When Keith mentioned the dancing part, my head start to wonder what kind of dancing did I do...?

"What do you mean the dancing was hot?" I asked curiously.

"Oh babe," his smile widened and my brows rose. "You were grindin and twerkin and all those good stuff," Keith said with a smirk. He's lying. That's bullshit! I can't even twerk on the first place!

"Ugh! Anything else?" I groaned and he shook his head.

"Not that I remember anything else," He racked his brain for anything but came out with nothing. So meaning we could've made out but neither of us remembered? Okay...

"Do you have Advil?" I asked, pressing the heels of my palm on my forehead. My mouth taste bitter and I feel like throwing up but that's not very attractive honey.

"Yeah, let me get you some," he shuffled out of the bed and I let him pass through my limp body.

I sat back up again slowly and leaned my back on the headboard while I watch Keith exit the bathroom with a pill in his hand and he grabbed a bottle of water from the kitchen shirtless and it was like TV in hd.

I just realized that today is the weekends and I don't have anything to do. I hope Keith's not busy as well cause I have no plans for today.

"Here you go," I gulped on the water to wash the Advil down.

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