"Hey Babygirl," Niall said, sending me a cheeky smile.

I waved and looked in Austin's direction, smiling, shyly.

"Hey Liz," Austin said, smiling.

He's so cute. Come on my mouth, speak! You can do it!

"Hi, Austin," I amazily said, as I found my voice.

Niall gave me a gentle push forward, but it caused me to stumble, slightly. I was about to glare at him, but was soon embraced into a hug. Just as I was about to freak out, I realized it was Austin, and, soon, I was hugging him back, not wanting to let go. However, all good things come to an end. Sadly, we pulled apart, but i smiled once again, and back up a little.

"Ouch," Niall yelled, as I slightly elbowed his stomach.

"Whoops, sowwy," I told, puting on my angel act.

As I turned around, to walk off stage, I sent him a glare for shoving me towards Austin.

"Love you, babygirl," He said, before pulling me into a one arm hug, and kissed my head.

"Love you, too, Ni," I walked off stage, so they could begin rehearsels.


Niall's P.O.V.

I know it was mean to push her towards Austin, but in a way it was good, and I got a good chuckle out of it. As she walked over to the girls, I saw her sneak little glances at Austin, and smiling, to herself.

"Ok, boys, ready to rehearse?" Louis asked, clapping his hands together.

"Oh, yea," We said, as Austin walked off the stage so the band could perform, before him.


"And let me kiss you," Harry sang out the last note of the song, wrapping up our soundcheck.

"You guys were great," The others said, smiling.

"Really, Liz?" Zayn asked, chuckiling.

"Yea, why?" She asked, looking at us.

"Because, on more than one occasion, I'm pretty sure I saw you sleeping," Harry said, chuckiling.

"Ok, so I took a nap sue me," She said, giggiling.

We all laughed, knowing the reason behind her sleeping so much.

"You ready to rehearse Austin?" Liam asked.

"Um, yea," He said, walking onto the stage. 

Liz smiled, and ran to us hugging us.

"I love ya'll, and I'm sure you were amazing, even if I did fall asleep," She said, giggiling.

"We love you too," We said, chuckiling.

"Hey guys, can I borrow, Liz, for a second?" Austin asked, looking at us, with hopeful eyes.

"Sure," We said, before getting her to move.

"Go, Princess," Harry whispered, chuckiling, before giving her a gentle push.

"Geez, whats with you guys and shoving, today?" I heard her mumble, before  making her way to Austin.


Liz's P.O.V.

These guys were pushy today, literally! I couldn't say much though, I was happy I was getting to talk to Austin more. 

"Whats up, Austin?" I asked, approaching him.

"Well, see I wanted to do a cover of the song 'When You Look Me In The Eyes' by the Jonas Brothers, and I wanted to bring a girl on stage during the concert. But, as for now, would you mind being the girl i sing to?" He asked, smiling.

"U-uh huh," I said, having to nod, not sure how audible I really was.

Was this really happening? Was Austin Mahone singing to me? Yes and yes. I gathered myself together, and sat on the stool, trying to keep from blushing, as I looked at the girls. No, I don't like Austin, like that, yet. I mean could it happen? Yea, but it'll take some time to get to where I can actually let him in.

"Thanks," He said, flashing his million dollar smile. 

He began his song, and by the end, I was out of my chair, and slow dancing with him, in a way. I think this could possibly be my favorite rehearsal, in a long time. (video to the side of him singing it to a fan, like with what he did with Liz)

"I think that'll be a great act," I said, smiling up at him.

"Me too," He said, smiling at me.

"Uh hum," The girls cleared their throats.

I blushed slightly, before stepping out of his grip and headed off stage. Once back to the others, I punched the girls' arms.

"Hey!" They exclaimed, rubbing their arms.

"Thats for embarrising me," I explained, then smiled.

"Well, you guys looked pretty happy up there, together," El said, smiling.

"Shut up," I said, hiding my face.

"Aww she blushing," Dani said, and I could hear the smile in her voice.

 "What no, not true," I said, raising my head, hoping my cheeks weren't red.

 "Um, Angel, your cheeks are red," Louis said, chuckiling.

"Ugh," I sighed, covering my face again.

It suddenly got really quiet, but I didn't dare move. Just as I was about to look up I heard a voice, causing me to stop.

"You shouldn't hide that pretty little face of yours," Austin whispered.

I smiled to myself, slowly removing my hands from my face. Looking at the others, I subtly sent them a look saying 'don't you dare say anything.'

"So, Austin would you like to join us for brunch?" Niall asked.

I hadn't even noticed the time, wow 11:30 already? As Austin, thought about it, half of me wanted to scream 'yes, please,' the other half said 'oh please no, I'll just embaress myself.' Before I could get too wrapped up in my thoughts, he began answering.

"Yea, sounds like fun," He said, sending me a, sly, smile.

"Great," I said, reurning the smile.


Niall's P.O.V.

As Austin and Liz looked at eachother, I wanted to smile, but I wanted to, also, go into over-protective brother mode. I held back, not doing either one, while Liam began to talk.

"What sounds good?" Li asked, looking around.

"Olive Garden," Liz said, smiling.

"Sounds good to me," Austin said, having everyone else, hum an agreement.

"Well, lets go," Zayn said, and we piled into the car.

Liz was sat inbetween Austin and I, so, without thinking, I wrapped my arm around her.

"Hey Nialler," She said, smiling.

"Hey, babygirl," I said, kissing her head.

She smiled, and looked over Austin, who had started up a conversation, with the others, before looking back at me.

"Are you ok?" I mouthed, looking down at her.

She nodded, but I could tell something was up, and I knew I would talk to her later about it.


Heyyyy guys, so yea thats chapter 9! :) I don't know how I like this chapter, so you tell me : Good or bad? Thank ya'll so much for the comments and votes I've been getting!


1) How will brunch go?

2) What do you think is wrong with Liz?

3) What do you think of Liz and Austin? (obv. they're not dating yet, lol)

Comment below your answers! Thanks, bye!

~Elise xx

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