~Labor pains~

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I awoke grumpy like normal. The last five days had been hell for me. Between packing up my life and telling Tristin about moving was killing me. I hated the fact that I had to leave all my new friends, my boyfriend and the father of my child. I hated having to start over again. We only made it in this town a year which just depressed me more.  I sighed as I got out of bed. We were moving in a little over a week. Which was about mid September.

I remember first laying eyes on Tristin. He was wearing a leather jacket and a pair of dark blue jeans. His thick brown hair was messy like always. He was standing with a few people. Girls were all over him like flies to honey. He had a reputation. A bad one. I heard girls crying over him in the bathroom guys threatening to beat him up.

Why because he was Tristin Richards. A heart breaker, girlfriends stealer, sexy bad boy. He didn't have a care in the world. He drove a car even if he only had his learners permit. How he never got caught I don't know. He dirt biked and had a motorcycle. I was instantly drawn to him. Who wouldn't be he was gorgeous.

"Elaynnah," My fathers voice said softly snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah dad," I breathed coldly. I was still mad at him.

"I have a present for you," he smiled making me feel bad for being mad at him.

"What is it?" I asked cocking my head to the side.

"Close your eyes." I did as I was told and closed my eyes. I heard movement and then felt something placed in my hand. It was hard plastic and metal. I opened my eyes and gasped. I rushed outside and a huge smile spread across my face. Sitting in my driveway was a soft pink Convertible Volkswagen bug.

"It's a 2005. I thought you would need something to get back and forth with," my dad said from behind me. Instantly my angry towards him was gone. I figured I would have to have him drive me back and forth.

"Thank you daddy," I smiled hugging him tightly.

"Your welcome baby girl," he said kissing the top of my head.

We moved two weeks later.


October 31st  4:13 am

I wish I could say I made it full term but I didn't. I went into labor a month early.  I was Terrified waking up to the pain and the feeling that I just wet the bed. 

"DAD!!!" I cried loudly. Almost immediately he was in my room. 

"Whats wrong?" He breathed his hair was all messy and his eyes were glazed over with a mixture of fear and tiredness. 

"I think my water just br -r -r-oh my god ow." 

"Ok everything will be ok. Get up slowly where is your hospital bag?" he said calmly taking control. It was clear he has done this before. I nodded to the corner of my room and he quickly grabbed the bag before helping me outside. "Call Tristin get him to meet you at the hospital ok."

 I just nodded but another contraction happened making me let out a muffled cry. As soon as it was over I dialed Tristin's number and waited.

"Hello?" Tristin's voice answered tiredly.

"Tristin, oh my god," was all I got out.

"Elaynnah are you ok? Whats wrong? Is it the baby?" He asked quickly. By this point my father had grabbed the phone and instructed Tristin to meet us at the hospital before hanging up.

"Breathe Elaynnah," my father instructed. I shot him a death glare. How on earth was I supposed to concentrate on breathing when I was in this much pain?

I have never been so happy to see a hospital in my entire life. As soon as we pulled up I felt a breath of relief which was quickly taken over by pain. Tristin met us at the hospital an hour later considering he was in a completely different town now. His hair was all over the place and he had a look of terror on his face.

"It's only October 31st your not due until November 21st," Tristin breathed as soon as he saw me.

"Well duh I know that."  I hissed as another contraction hit.

"It's very common to go into labour early," My father breathed.

"But this is two weeks early," Tristin breathed.

"Everything is fine the doctor has already checked her out," my father smiled calmly. Ok his calmness was starting to get on my nerves how was he not freaking out right now?

"Why are you so flipping calm?" I hissed looking right at my father. He just shook his head smiling.

*** 8 flipping horrific painful stupid hours later ***

I heard the most beautiful sound in the world. Well it was to me at least. I heard Tristin's and my baby take it's first breath and cry. We actually did it. We had a brand new life to take care of in this world. Ten fingers, ten tiny toes, and a perfect little nose. Two big eyes and a tiny little mouth. 6lb 8 oz and 18 inches long. It was a miracle. My sweet little Halloween baby.

Tristin kissed my forehead as he gazed down at our baby with love in his eyes. And right there my heart fluttered at the sight. It was absolutely perfect.

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