Depressing Thoughts for a Depressing Journey

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"The walls of Moria!" Gimli said, awe dripping from his voice. They were huge sheer walls of stone. The group walked forward steadily.

"Dwarf doors are invisible when closed," Gimli boasted, knocking his axe against a part of the wall.

"Yes Gimli, their own masters cannot find them, if their secret is forgotten." Gandalf said.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Legolas asked, eying the stone walls with a new type of horror. Gimli pressed his lips together, he was behind Legolas, and suppressed a growl.

Frodo slipped, his foot dunking into water. Agardess grabbed his shoulder.

"Alright?" She asked, her face had a gloomy expression, but Frodo has long since learned not to look the the She-Elf for comfort.

"Yes," He said, replanting his slightly wet foot and kept going, careful of the water so he did not slip again.

The moon slipped out from behind a cloud, causing the door to reveal itself. Yet it wasn't open, nor did it look like a door, more like a piece of rock with carvings in the surface.

"It reads 'The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter'." Gandalf read, tracing his staff over the elvish markings.

"What do you suppose that means?" Merry asked, looking at Gandalf with awe.

"Well it's simple. If you are a friend speak the password and the doors will open." He tried some spell and everyone watched, expecting the doors to open as Gandalf has said they would. Gandalf tried again, and again nothing happened.

"Well sit down," Agardess said seating herself on a rock. "This may take a while." Gandalf furrowed his eyebrows at her, but went back to the so called doors, trying spell after spell. After a while Legolas took a seat beside her and together they sat staring into the water.

"You need to have more faith," He murmured, but was interrupted by the sound of something hitting the water.

"Do not disturb the water," Aragorn hissed at Merry and Pippin, the two Hobbit who had thrown the rocks. They obeyed and the rocks they were holding clattered to the ground.

"Have faith in what?" She asked turning to look at the old wizard, now pushing on the doors. "Gandalf?"

"The quest itself. You think we will fail." Agardess hummed in response. "Why is that?"

"Why would we succeed?" She asked glancing at him.

"If you have so little faith, then why did you volunteer? The real reason, we both know that it wasn't only because of me as you told the Hobbit."

"Fate Legolas." She smiled. "Fate may have a plan for us. But I believe not, by going here we have gone against fate. If my fate is to die protecting Frodo and you, then so be it. But I will not die easily." Her smiled disappeared however and she peered into the water.

"It's a riddle!" Frodo exclaimed. "What's the elvish word for friend?" Legolas was beside Agardess, both staring intently into the water, trying to figure out what was giving them the off feeling.

"Mellon." Gandalf said and the doors opened. Everyone got up from their seated place and entered the dark hole.

"Soon, Master Elf," Gimli was saying to Legolas. "you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, ripe meat off the bone. This, my friend, is the home of my cousin, Balin.And they call it a mine. A mine!

"This is no mine," Boromir said as Gandalf lit his staff. "This is a tomb." Gimli wailed a heartbreaking sob and fell to his knees. Legolas made his way over to a carcass of one of the dwarfs. Agardess followed him with her eyes, her hands gripping her weapons, ready to attack. He placed his booted foot on the ribcage of what was a dwarf and pulled an arrow from it.

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