The Breaking of the Fellowship

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Agardess was alone. Well not completely, but alone all the same. She had walked off by herself, needing to be alone and alone she was. Of course she knew that somewhere near to her the Fellowship had gathered and someone was out away from them because she had heard the snapping of twigs. Agardess was alone and by the time she realized that they were under attack, all she could do was fight. 

She drew her twin long swords and charged in, ducking and whirling while dragging blades through flesh. She attacked, feeling energy coursing through her. She was a whirlwind of death, killing anything that dared confront her.

"Caela ie'lle! (Have at thee!)" She yelled pulling away from the Orcs and Uruk-Hai before launching herself back into them. It was almost as if they weren't trying, or Agardess was just too good. She cut through the monsters, avoiding blows easily. It was only when she remembered Legolas that she began to move. She now moved forward, running towards Orcs and killing any that she deemed in her way, all whilst moving her way through the woods. 

"Kill the She-Elf!" An Uruk-Hai rasped and Agardess turned. Blood dripping from her blades she turned to the one that spoken, or at least the one she thought had spoken, for it now cowered in fear. 

"Fight me," She said swinging her arm out at anyone that came towards her. She ducked and whirled all while moving towards the Uruk-Hai. "Or are you too scared? Needing to order others to kill me whilst you cower in fear. Nadorhuan rim (cowardly dog)." She hissed and raced towards him. She knew he had the advantage over her. She was one and could only attack as one. However he had Orcs to command and they could attack as many rather than the mass of one. Yet she challenged him and she knew she was going to kill him, even if he somehow managed to kill her in the process. 

"I will fight you She-Elf," The Uruk-Hai sneered as more henchmen attack her. "Prepare to lose." Agardess bounded forward, pairing his blow with one blade and striking with the other. 

"Are you too much of a coward to fight me one on one?" She hissed as he moved his blade to block her second blow. She had to stop fighting him to fend off an attacking Orc. "Why do you hide behind an army?" The Uruk-Hai growled and charged forward.

"Do not insult me when I so obviously have the upper hand," He growled swinging his blade almost carelessly as he tried to hit her. 

"I see a coward, not someone who is winning. For I am afraid you have drawn your last breath." She attacked him then, one blade swinging for his head whilst the other for his neck. He had two options, kill her and die or simply die. The Uruk-Hai died and his head toppled over hitting the ground with an unsettling thump. 

A horn sounded from somewhere and Agardess perked her ears up. 

"The horn of Gondor," She murmured and listened hard. It sounded again and she raced in the direction of the horn. 

Agardess twisted her arm while running, exposing the sharp end of her blade to the neck of an Orc. It sliced straight through, Agardess not having to break her stride for a second. 

When she reached Boromir she knew she was too late. Aragorn was leaning over him. 

"No," She whispered seeing the three black arrows sticking up from Boromir's chest. Legolas turned at the sound of her voice. "No, no, no, no..." She fell to her knees then just watching Boromir and Aragorn. Legolas resting his hand on her shoulder. Aragorn pulled the arrows from Boromir's torso, flinging them aside before scooping his arms under Boromir's body picking the other man up. Legolas squeezed her shoulder and Agardess stood, unshed tears standing in her eyes.  

Aragorn laid Boromir in a boat, Agardess walked up to him she set a gentle hand on Aragorn's shoulder before walking to Boromir. She gently rearranged his limbs, placing his sword in his hands and his shield behind his head. She stroked the hair from his face. 

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