~Chapter 29

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Yashi’s POV

I love life so much. I’m happy; I’ve got friends, and my lovely boyfriend, Harry. No it’s not like this.

When Avalon and Liam broke up, it just got awkward. We also got in a HUGE fight. She was 100% convinced that I was using her to get Harry. Then when I tried to explain that Harry liked me, she didn’t believe me. Then she’d blow up, and get angry at me. I mean, yeah, maybe I used her slightly to get to Harry but then I realized that he liked me. With her drama out of the way, it was easier.

And she found a new best friend. I think her name is Lana or something. They do everything together and they’re together all the time. I know her best as @LanaTomata.

But now, I feel like she hates me completely. I’m afraid I lost my best friend, forever.

My phone buzzed notifying that Niall posted an Instgram picture. I opened it up and it was a picture of him and Avalon. I guess she’s coming back into our lives. She doesn’t even look happy with Niall, let alone herself.

I was awoken from thought, when Harry walked in from the garage. Yeah, I live with him too.

“Hey, honey,” he said walking in.

“Hey,” I said looking at him. “What took you so long?”

“I was mobbed twice. It’s hard,” he said sitting next to me.

"Yeah, hard,” I said looking down at the ground.

“What’s wrong?” He asked me.

“Nothing,” I said walking to the kitchen.

“Seriously, Yash. What’s up?” he asked following me.

“I feel bad about using Avalon,” I said looking at his feet.

“What made you think about that?” he asked me.

“This,” I said as I pulled out my phone and showed him the picture,

“Wow, she’s changed. I mean her hair is platinum blonde and her smile droops,” he said naming things about the picture.

“Yeah, it looks like she’s coming back into our lives,” I said giggling sarcastically.

“I feel like I took you away from her. C’mon,” he said picking up his coat.

“Where are you going?”

“Niall’s. We’re going to apologize now,” he said putting his shoes back on.

“Okay. It’s the least I could do,” I said following him out the door.


Niall’s POV

Avalon was about halfway through her song when my door bell rang.

“Avalon, can you stop for a second, my doorbell rang,” I said getting up off the floor.

“Ugh, fine. But don’t take long,” she said winking.

I smiled and then took my way to the stairs. When I got down, the shadow of two figures were on the other side. One was taller with bushy looking here, and the other was shorter with longer looking hair. Harry and Yashi.

“What, are you two doing here?” I whispered and walked out to my porch.

“We wanted to apologize and say hello,” Harry said.

“Hi, now can you guys go?” I said pushing them.

"Not to you Niall, Avalon. I want to apologize,” Yashi said looking up at me.

“That’s probably not a good idea. She’s unstable. Even I wouldn’t understand what she’s going through. She’s had nothing and she’s happy right now and I don’t want to take that away,” I said as the door creaked open. Avalon. Shit.

“Niall who’s- what are they doing here?” She asked pointing at Yashi and Harry.

“I wanted to apologize, for using you. I was wrong and I’m sorry. You needed me and I used your connections. Please accept my apology, I’m sorry,” she said looking into her eyes.

“You think that’s why I’m mad? Yeah, I was a little pissed for that but I’m mad because you dumped me completely when you knew what was going on. You know how I am and I needed you. And that you didn’t even care? God, that’s why I’m pissed,” Avalon said getting heated. “I wouldn’t have even cared if you dated Harry. But now, ugh.”

"Avalon, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize. I’ll do anything for you, I’m sorry,” Yashi said realizing her mistake. A tear left her eye.

“Well I’m not. Goodbye, Yashi,” Avalon said going back inside.

Yashi stood there and closed her eyes. Tears started pouring through.

“Are you okay?” Harry asked her.

"Yeah, I don’t blame her. I was stupid. It’s all my fault,” she said going into Harry’s chest.

“I think it would be best if you left,” I said going back inside. Yashi and Harry went back to the car and drove off.

When I walked in, Avalon was lying on the couch crying. I could hear it.

“Avy, are you okay?” I asked her.

“What has she done?” Avalon said sitting back up.


Okay so this chapter got deleted, so im sorry if you thought it was an update :(

I tried writng as best as i could from memory so if its SHIT, im sorry:(

Anyway, love you guys


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