~Chapter 27

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Avalon's POV

It's been about 2 and a half months since me and Liam actually split up. I don't really talk to the guys anymore. Niall and Louis used to call me everyday to make sure I was okay. About 3 weeks ago, that started to stop. Liam and Danielle got back together. After the break up, there was a lot of buzz but I kinda went unknown. I don't hear my songs on the radio anymore and I haven't been in a magazine for a while. That Kayla chick wasn't good for Harry either, now she's with some Italian runner named Antonio. Whatever. And Yashi, my 'best friend', is now going out with Harry and totally forgot about me. I'm just magically disappearing from this world aren't I. I think I've gotten closer to Lana than anyone. We go places together, take road trips and drink. We've done so many things I wouldn't have imagined. I absolutely love this girl.

Carl never did call me either so another disappointment. I've been waiting but it never happened.

I can barely sustain myself in the fact that I live in the garage at my moms house. When she's not home, I sneak inside to use my old shower and if she's out for the night, I sleep in my old bed. I know I hate her but she doesn't really know. The only money I have is for gas, my phone bill and food. Otherwise I have to get money other ways. I've just been writing songs, but not singing, and enjoying the little things in life. The little things I have. I haven't sung a word in about two months. That's how sad I am. I've been writing poems. Poems for gods sake.

I think about the boys here and there when I go through old memories of them. They were my life but know I'm back where I started. I considered them my summer. When my life sucked, they warmed my heart.

I drive by the old house every once in a while which just brings me to tears. I think about the tour I'm supposed to be doing in about a month and wonder if I am or not. I mean I guess I am but they probably don't want someone like me to do it.

I sat in the back of my car that night and watched the stars. I got an urge for alcohol. A strong one. I don't know why.

While sitting there, my phone rang. It was Niall.

"Hello?" I said barely getting the nerves.

"Hi Avalon, how are you?"

"Terrible, basically homeless and why did you stop calling me?" I asked.

"Oh I'm so sorry we've just been busy as fuck." I laughed.

"Nice, how's Liam? I'm just wondering."

"Fine but not happy. He still misses you," he said.

"How do you know?"

"Just last week he called Danielle, Avy. You're still in his mind. He, he still loves you," he said. I started to tear up.

"Yeah I bet," I said sarcastically.

"No really. You should stay with me tonight," he offered.

"No I'll be such a bother to everyone," I said.

"We don't live together anymore. After you left we moved apart and bought separate homes. We are spread out all over London," He said.

"Oh, well then I guess I can," I said getting up off my car.

"Yay! I can't wait to see you!" Niall said excitedly.

"Me either," I said and hung up. I fell into deep depression after I left. My smile never got bigger than Kristen Stewarts.

I put everything inside my car and started the engine. Never did I ask where he lived so I googled it. Someone's bound to know where it is. I happened to only be about two blocks away. I drove straight there.

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