~Chapter 33

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Louis' POV

"I missed you so much," my sister, Lottie, said pulling me into a hug.

"I missed you too," I said hugging her back.

"I'm glad you came home for Christmas. It has made my day," my mum said walking up to me.

"Me too," I said. My phone started buzzing but I ignored it. I wanted to focus on my family.

"Louis, come on. We're going to watch a movie," on of the twins said calling over to me.

I walked into the living room and sat next to the twins. We were watching A Christmas Story.

My phone buzzed again. I got annoyed and just turned it off without checking it. It was probably Simon reminding us that we had band rehearsal on the 26th. I just watched the movie.


About halfway through the movie, Lottie walked over to me.

"Lou, I was checking my twitter and that girl who's been on the news has been tweeting to you," she said showing me her phone.



"@Louis_Tomlinson I need your help and Niall won't answer either"


After Lottie showed me, I got my phone out of my back pocket and turned it on immediately.

I walked out of the living room and went up to my old room. I checked it.

Seven missed calls, two unread messages.

I looked at them.

(2) Avy

-Louis, please call me


I looked up her contact and called. It rang maybe once until she picked up.

"Louis finally! I've been trying to call you and Niall all afternoon!" She said balling into the phone.

"Avalon, what happened and stop crying for a second," I said trying to understand what she was saying.

"I did it again! I didn't mean too but my emotions overtook me!" She cried.

"Did what?" I asked not knowing what she was talking about.

"I- I cut my wrist again."

I froze unsure of what to say. Then I started.

"Y- you did?" I questioned.

"Yeah but it was impulse. I didn't mean to, you wouldn't understand why though," she said crying.

"Okay, sweet heart, what happened?" I asked calmly.

"Okay so I thought about some things and in my rage of anger, I punched y mirror, causing it to tumble in pieces. Then I took one of the pieces and, ya know," she said.

"Hey, it'll be okay," I said.

"Louis, I'm falling apart again," she cried.

"Well, what do you need?" I asked.

"Him," she said referring to Liam.

"Oh," is all I could say.

"Yeah, it's bad," she said.

"You should call him," I suggested.

"Really? But he hates me. He'll never pick up," she said.

Batman ~Liam Payne Fanfic~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें