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Zoro's sickness had passed in a week, Zoro was getting used to his left arm, both Law and Luffy had woken up and were recovering quickly, everyone was worrying about the same thing, Roronoa Takeshi, Zoro's father hadn't been seen since when Zoro had the operation to fix his arm.

The news had reached The Thousand Sunny, Nami had taken it from the bird and was reading through it, she had come across an article, 'RORONOA TAKESHI HAS BEEN CAPTURED AND HELD CAPTIVE IN IMPEL DOWN, DUE TO BE EXECUTED IN A FORTNIGHT!!', Nami gasped in shock, Sanji swirled over to Nami in a split second, "Whats wrong Nami-swwwan?", swooned Sanji, "Sanji-kun, get Zoro, he needs to see this", Sanji stopped swooning over Nami and went to find Zoro, who was training in the crows nest.

"OI MOSS HEAD NAMI WANTS YOU!!", shouted Sanij from below the crows nest, Zoro came out and jumped to the deck, "What is it witch?", snapped Zoro, he walked to where Nami and forced the newspaper out of the navigators hand, Zoro read the article about his dad, his face froze in a state of shock, he dropped the newspaper.

"Zoro, are you ok?", asked Nami, "I'm.....Fine Nami ", answered Zoro as he walked off to the kitchen, "Whats up with Moss Head, he hates the man, he should be rejoicing that his father is getting executed", questioned Sanji, he walked off into the kitchen to see Zoro asleep, he looked at the table to see five bottles of sake surrounding the swordsman's head.

"Oi, Moss Head what's the matter with you?, you hate the man don't you?, he tried to kill you a number of times, a couple of times almost succeeding", explained Sanji, Zoro groaned in disagreement, he lifted his head, "He still raised me Ero Cook, he's the only family I have left, if I let him get executed, then I shouldn't be here", protested Zoro, Zoro got up, Sanji saw that his hands were clenched into fists, "I will save my father Sanji", stated Zoro as he tried to walk out of the kitchen.

Sanji stood there shocked, he ran out of the kitchen and into Franky's workshop, "Franky prepare the Cu Da Burst", Sanji rushed out leaving Franky confused, Sanji entered again, "NOW!!", demanded Sanji, Franky ran out of his workshop and rushed downstairs to the last floor of the Sunny.

Sanji rushed out, "EVERYONE, WE'RE GOING TO GET ZORO'S DAD FROM IMPEL DOWN!!!", bellowed Sanji too the crew, everyone rushed out and looked at him, jaws dropped and eyes popped out, "Sanji are you mad?!", screamed Usopp, "No, I know what you are all thinking, but we have to save Zoro's father, Zoro may have had almost died by his father's hand, but even if they did something bad to you or almost kill you, they're still family no matter what happens to them", explained Sanji.

"your right Sanji, family is family", replied Luffy, everyone nodded and went to their posts, except for Zoro, who had fallen unconscious from drinking too much, he was snoring loudly in the boys cabin, or on the floor of the boys cabin, arms stretched out.

The Sunny flew through the air, Luffy laughed his unique laugh and grinned a lot bigger then a normal person, "Nami how long until we get to IMPEL down?!", shouted Sanji, "ABOUT SEVEN DAYS SANJI-KUN!!", shouted Nami back, Zoro walked out, yawning, his left arm aching, he had his swords on his hip after his father left them on the ground of the infirmary.

"Whats our next stop?", asked Zoro as he yawned once more, "Impel Down Zoro", answered Luffy, Zoro looked at Luffy shocked, he then smiled, "thank you Luffy, its means a lot to me", answered Zoro, "Swordsman-san", called Robin, Zoro turned to see Robin walking up to him, "Hey Rob.....", Robin kissed Zoro on the cheek.

Zoro blushed, he leaned in and kissed Robin full on the lips, Robin kissed back, Luffy and Usopp both were disgusted and stuck both their tongues out, Nami and Brook smiled sweetly, Franky also smiled and Chopper was both shocked and happy.

Robin ended the kiss, Zoro was dark red, Robin giggled, Zoro chuckled as well, the whole burst out laughing, Robin and Zoro stopped Laughing and Robin gave Zoro one of her rare smiles, Zoro smiled brightly at Robin, "LETS GO AND SAVE ZORO'S FATHER!!!", shouted Luffy, "YEAH!!", shouted the crew as they got into their positions once again, 'we're on our way father, I will save you, I promise', thought Zoro as he got to his position at the crows nest.

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