The Devil Returns

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Chopper took an hour to repair the damage Zoro's father had done to him, Chopper exited the infirmary and looked at everyone, crying, "Zoro has lost almost all his blood and I don't have enough of his blood type to do a blood transfusion, if I don't do it soon, h-he's going to die", announced Chopper.

"Chopper *gasp* I'm *gasp* fine", said Zoro inside the infirmary, Zoro's father stepped forward, " me and Zoro have the same blood type", explained Zoro's father, " i'll get ready, come in and we'll start", explained Chopper, Zoro's father walked in and sat down on a chair next to his son's bed.

Up close he noticed how strong Zoro had gotten, he noticed the amount of bandages his son had on his body, Zoro opened his eyes to see his father, something was injected and a red substance travelled from his father's arm into his arm, "CHOPPER!?!?!", shouted Zoro as he went to pull out the needle but a hoof smacked his hand away.

"Your father is giving you a blood transfusion so be thankful that he stepped in as Franky can't give you anymore blood, not after Thriller bark", explained Chopper, Chopper left.

"Why are you doing this?", snapped Zoro, his father snickered, " your dream, you have high hopes", replied his father, Zoro growled before the two were at each others throats again,"you should have left me to die you old fart", snapped Zoro, "i thought your dream was more important then your Nakama!!", bellowed his father, "NOTHING IS AS IMPORTANT THEN MY NAKAMA!!!", screamed Zoro, "YOU LITTLE BRAT, YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT LIFE DO YOU, YOU WIMP!!!!", screamed his father.

Chopper came in and stopped the blood transfusion, Zoro's father stormed out, while Zoro turned to face the wall, Chopper shrugged and left Zoro alone.

Zoro's father walked into the infirmary with a shotgun, three hours after their last fight, he aimed it at Zoro's head and was about to shoot when Zoro knocked it out of his hand, he rolled out of bed and had the Wado Ichimoji in his hands, unsheathed and pointing at his father's throat in seconds.

"Kill me then, Pirate Hunter", said Zoro's father, Zoro threw his sword to the side and limped out of the infirmary, he walked up the crowsnest before having a panic attack, his father laughed hard - heartily at Zoro, "Damn it, I'm so weak, I have to get stronger", said Zoro to himself as he got up and wiped the tears away, he then started to train.

Meanwhile his father had gone into the kitchen, he placed poison into every Sake bottle and left to go and sleep on deck, smiling evilly to himself.

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