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Chopper rushed Zoro onto the Sunny, the rest of the crew followed, guarding the Sunny's infirmary, Chopper laid Zoro on the bed, he checked Zoro's heart with the stethoscope, "Zoro, Zoro can you hear me?"checked Chopper, a groin in pain was heard then Zoro sat up really fast before falling back onto the bed, clutching his shirt over his heart.

"Zoro what's wrong?!!", panicked Chopper, "C-Chop-per", stamered Zoro, Zoro sat up slowly, turning his back against the wall, "whats wrong Zoro?", asked Chopper, Zoro's face fell to a pained expression, "I'll tell you a story", said Zoro, "What do you mean?", asked Chopper.

"My heart, you checked it right?, it's faster then anyone's on this crew, I have something wrong with my heart, it started when I was around eleven, one year after my mother died I suffered a panic attack, one so strong I suffered a heart attack as well, my father found me and rushed me into hospital, I spent a week there before the doctors told me that I had a heart condition, my mother had the same heart problem, they told me that if I trained too hard or pushed myself to the limit, I could die, I proved for eight years that I wouldn't die from a thing like that, but when I was a bounty hunter, I pushed myself too far and I was rushed to hospital, they told me that my heart was weaker and I could die at any moment...", Zoro was about to continue, but Chopper interrupted him.

"But you can just use that healing spell", protested Chopper, "let me finish Chopper", said Zoro, Chopper nodded once and Zoro continued, "anyway, when I was in hospital, they said too me that I pushed myself too far, luckily my father didn't find out as he would beat me for being so weak, I spent two weeks in the hospital I, before I was released they told me that I could die in about two years due to my heart condition worsening, the good news is that the doctor's were wrong, but the bad news is that if it didn't happen two years later, when will it happen? ", Zoro finished his story.

"Zoro I'll find a cure, I promise ", said Chopper, Zoro chuckled a bit, "it's incurable Chopper", said Zoro, Chopper looked glumly at Zoro, Zoro got to his feet and left the infirmary, "Zoro?", called out Chopper, Zoro stopped just when he was about to walk out of the infirmary, he turned to face Chopper, "Yea Chopper", answered Zoro, "Is there a chance you could have a heart transplant? ",asked Chopper, "No, Chopper, it's not that bad, really", answered Zoro with a smile as he left, Chopper had doubts, "I hope your right Zoro", said Chopper to himself.

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