Franky To The Rescue!!

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“Chopper-bro, I have been working on an invention that could help Zoro-bro, its metal string that act like veins, bone and arteries, I also have made an iron arm, it goes over his shoulder and then you can insert the arm in which I will insert the metal strings by injection and Zoro-bro will experience a bit of pain followed by vomiting and a fever, after a fortnight Zoro-bro's arm will be functional ”, explained Franky to Chopper.

“Will it become rusty?, will it become infected?, will it fall off?”, questioned Chopper, “Calm down Chopper, the metal is the strongest metal on earth, it is coat with rubber so it won't rust and when it covers Zoro-bro's shoulder, it will clamp into the shoulder and won't fall off”, explained Franky.

“How long will it be? ”, asked Zoro, who was now sitting up, his back against the wall and legs crossed, “About half an hour Zoro-bro”, answered Franky, “I'll do it Franky, just make sure that I can move all of my limbs at the end of the operation”, announced Zoro, “Lets get you ready than”, replied Franky.

Ten minutes later and Zoro was lying down on the hospital bed, his head was at the other end of the bed as if he rested the other way then Chopper and Franky wouldn't be able to preform the operation, he had Robin holding his left leg, Chopper his right arm and Sanji his right leg.

Franky had gotten the needle, laying it on a metal tray on a table beside him, he had the metal mould that would be forced onto his shoulder in his hand, Franky started by holding down what was left of Zoro's arm, “On the count of three Zoro, ok?”, Zoro nodded, “One”, Franky placed the metal mould at the start of what was left of his arm, “Two”, Zoro braced for it, “THREE”, Franky slammed it into his arm, Zoro yelled in pain, an ear piercing scream that could be heard a mile away, Zoro's father heard it and started to run towards The Thousand Sunny.

Zoro's vision was blurry and his hearing was distant, “Franky, continue, p-please”, stated Zoro, he was breathing heavily and had a thick coat of sweat, “ ORO.......ZORO!!”, shouted Chopper, Zoro's vision and hearing cleared, “I-I'll be alright Chopper”, protested Zoro, “Please Chopper, let him finish the operation ”, pleaded Zoro, Chopper walked over to Zoro's  side and pinned his other arm down.

Franky grabbed rubber gloves, putting them on he then grabbed Zoro's arm, he placed it in the metal shoulder, the arm was clamped in, Zoro tensed up and screamed in pain, Franky quickly grabbed the needle and injected Zoro in the left arm, Zoro could feel the metal going to his injured arm.

They connected to the bones, arteries, veins and muscle, “we have to wait for a few minutes as it takes a while for the injection to take affect”, stated Franky, Zoro was breathing heavily, a thick layer of sweat covered his entire top half of his body, he was shaking, his eyesight was going and all he could hear was his own heart beat.

Ten minutes passed, “Zoro-bro let's try and move your arm, Zoro had his eyes closed but wasn't responding, “Zoro-bro, can you hear me?”, asked Franky concerned, Chopper rushed over to Zoro's left side, he turned back to brain point and checked the swordsman's pulse, “his pulse is weak, he's also got a temperature and is sweating a lot, Franky is this supposed to happen?”, asked Chopper as he turned to gave Franky, “No, this isn't supposed to happen, he's supposed to get a bit of nausea, I'm not sure what's happening to him”, answered Franky.

“Cyborg, it's not your fault, its mine”, everyone looked at the door to see Zoro's father standing there, everyone got into their fighting positions, “don't worry I'm not here to fight, I heard Zoro scream in pain, what happened to him?”, questioned Zoro's father, “an operation was preformed on Zoro's arm, an anaesthetic would have killed him, he's gone unconscious but usually anything like this would never make Zoro like this”, explained Chopper as he looked at Zoro with a worried look.

“He has a heart condition, when he was nine, he had a heart transplant”, stated Zoro's father, “I never got to ask you your name”, said Chopper, “My name?, raindeer my name is Takeshi, Roronoa Takeshi”, answered Takeshi as he threw Zoro's swords to the ground and left.

“Zoro can you hear me?”, concerned Chopper, “Moss Head wake up for fuck sake”, threatened Sanji, Zoro stirred, he lifted up his left arm and grabbed Franky's shoulder, he smiled, before his arm collapsed over the bed and Zoro fell unconscious, “Looks like it works”, stated Franky as he left, Sanji followed.

“Chopper, will Zoro be alright?”, asked Robin, “lets hope so Robin”, replied Chopper, left and Chopper turned into heavy point, lifting Zoro and placing him the right way on the bed, “C-Chopper....”, Zoro was trembling, Zoro grabbed his newly formed left arm with his right and smiled before chuckling aloud, “its alright Chopper, don't worry about me now, I just need some rest and I'll be alright”, stated Zoro, Chopper smiled to himself.

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