Chapter 16 Code Blue

Start from the beginning

"Of course, Peter." The voice, Glenda, responded. "I was instructed to activate Code Amber and ask you to set the Freeze Zone perimeter on the 1st August, 2410."

"I couldn't get a full answer about what the Freeze Zone is, or what it does." Mr. Andrewson continued, "But I set the zone to cover the entire school. I did wonder if it was excessive, but I didn't know what to do."

"Wait a second," I held my hands up, turning towards Glenda. "What does Code Blue mean?"

"Your access level is not high enough." Glenda responded and I explained to Mr. Andrewson and Saralisa about what Glenda said when I put my er, blood in. Mr. Andrewson had a sparkle in his eyes when he realized that I was also a direct descendent of Victoria Balikova. But honestly, with three hundred years separating us, we were hardly related to Victoria, let alone each other.

"Wow, de Silver family." Mr. Andrewson leaned back on his chair and exhaled. "We obviously recognised the sigil, but we were never able to confirm why it was on the Time Guardian. There had always been speculations, but it could easily be some future event that caused the addition."

"Glenda, what is Code Blue?" Mr. Andrewson tried and I gave Saralisa a surreptitious glance. Even though Mr. Andrewson explained that the Originals didn't have a high enough clearance level, I had a sneaking suspicious that everything might have changed now.

"Sorry Peter. Neither you nor Abigail have clearance right now." Glenda replied, the blue lights in the Time Guardian pulsating with her words into a softer glow.

"When will I have a high enough clearance?" I asked; Mr. Andrewson and Saralisa Spenser threw me a startled look.

"On your 21st birthday or when Code Green is initiated." Glenda answered. My mind was whirling and I tried to think in the prospective of a time traveler from the future. Surely they would know all about us from their history, unless things didn't go well for us in their future. I gently massaged my head – all these thoughts of present and future was giving me a headache.

"What is Code Blue." Saralisa suddenly asked; just as Mr. Andrewson was about to open his mouth, Glenda spoke.

"Code blue is to be initiated on first contact with the DNA of Abigail Lyndsey de Silver Beckett prior to the age of 21." Glenda replied, "If she had already passed the age, then Code Green would be directly initiated."

"Zara..." Mr. Andrewson trailed off, obviously at a loss as to why Glenda would respond to Saralisa and not us. Saralisa gave him a, in my eyes, very mysterious smile, but ignored his questioning call.

"Code blue is the preparation stage for the Silver Age." Glenda replied. "And that's all I am allowed to tell you, Saralisa."

"Saralisa?" Mr. Andrewson was beginning to look like he had seen a ghost, and it was almost entertaining to see him lose his cool like this. "You are Saralisa Spenser?"

Saralisa looked neither faze nor ashamed at being discovered. She offered Mr. Andrewson a small smile and glance at me. "I think young Abbey had figured it out." She answered, "You must have seen our portrait hanging on Katerina's castle."

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