A/n:Important & Thank you

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I am not fan of authors notes but i need to tell some things.. >.<

Important:so,as you know the christmas break from school is going to end in a couple of days and that means i will find it difficult to update..they even gave us homework for the christmas and i am like "I AM GONNA KILL THEM ALL!!!" but hey!i will find time and update!!and if you see that i dont update for a long time maybe are two things:
1)a LOT of homework
2)i dont have ideas xD
Requests are always open so,tell me what do you want and i will try to write it ASAP! ^ω^

Apart from that,i wanted to thank you again because this shitty book reached 2,11K and its the only,from my books,that have that number..for some people that number is small but for me is something big..i always thought that making this book or any other books that i have was a mistake because..wtf who is gonna read my stories anyways?xD maybe i will tell that a lot but,thank you guys so much for reading my stories..it means a lot <3

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