9. Chunin exams are here! First exams

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Hey there again here's the next part of the story and about the Photo you guys know the answer right!....So ah.....On With The Fanfiction or Story.
#Disclaimer I don't own Naruto Ok I just own the suff that I put ok.

Chapter 9: Chunin exams are here! First exam start!

The sun was finally peeking over the mountains of Konoha, and was shining directly through a window, and landing on a very special Genin. Naruto rolled over groaning, trying to hide from the sun a few more minutes. He was lying like that for thirty seconds or so, before peeking on the clock; it was showing 7:43 a.m. Naruto rolled his eyes 'of course. The day I decide to sleep in till around eleven I wake up early. Just my luck... Back to bed I guess'. Naruto threw a pillow over his face again, trying to get some more sleep. After what seemed like hours to him, he fluttered an eye open lightly, to look at the ever ticking clock. 7:52 a.m. He threw off the comforter and sat up in bed "fuck this".

Normally he would have been up in the early hours, training his ass off until his team would meet, but since today was everything but normal, he had planned slept in to when the normal citizen would have woken. He could see he would have none that. He sighed and started a mild morning routine: 400 sit-ups, 400 pull-ups, 400 push-ups, and 400 squats. Normally he would have done twice as much, but since today was the day of the exams, he wouldn't want to over exert himself. After he was done he went to the bathroom and did his business. For once he could actually enjoy his shower, instead of rushing through it.

He came out of the steaming bathroom with a towel around the waist, and headed for the kitchen. It took him real self-restraint not to just take one of the ramen cups, but actually making some healthy breakfast. He sighed once again; he knew he needed to eat healthier if he wanted to grow. He set some eggs and bacon over, and headed for his closet.

A few minutes later he was sitting at the table, enjoying his breakfast and the quiet morning. He took a quick look over the apartment; there were a few pieces of clothes here and there, but overall it was rather neat. His eyes went over his picture-wall. A smile crept over his lips; there was one of him and Tenten in the ramen stand, taking by Ayame. He really couldn't believe he had gotten such a good friend.

A bit to the left of that was one of his team and him. Kakashi was in the back, looking 'cool' as ever. In front of him was Sakura, trying to look as cute as possible. To her right Sasuke was standing, looking as broody as he could. Finally, to the right of Sakura, was he, wearing a confident smile, and was looking straight into the camera, as to say 'bring it on, world'.

Further to the left of that was one of him and Sakura training. Sakura was throwing one of her mean left hooks at Naruto, whom were bracing himself with a cross-guard. In the background you could see hordes of his Kage Bunshin, training in various subjects.

On top of all the other photos was his ninja registration photo. He frowned a bit 'I'm happy with the photo, but right now I wish I had just let them take a normal one. It doesn't exactly take a genius to figure out that I have some sort of Kekkai Genkai; all they need is one look... No wonder Jiji were hesitant about allowing it. I just hope no one in the exams have found out. It would be nice to have it as an ace. If not... I'll burn that bridge when I reach it.'

He got up from the table and threw the dishes in the wash. Even he wasn't pressed for time he couldn't be bothered with it. He glanced over at the clock; it showed 9:14 a.m. He still had hours before he was supposed to meet his team. He walked towards the door. He knew he couldn't stay in his 'apartment' for so long. He could just as well use the time walking around in the village.

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