3. The Hell Cat and save the Hell Cat and The Ramen Stand

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

Chapter 3: The hellcat and Save The Hell Cat & the Ramen-stand


Team 7 were jumping through the forests of Konoha, pursuing their target. It was faster than any of them thought it could be. They had used hours tracking it down, and now, for at least forty-five minutes, chasing it. But they were gaining in on it. They were close now.

Their target stopped. Team 7 quickly made their way to different hiding spots around their target.

"This is Fire Emo Prince arrived at point B" it crackled through the radio

" Cherry Blossom here, I have reached point C"

" Crystallize here, reached point A"

Kakashi was listening in, supervising them. Normally he would have scolded (as much as Kakashi now can scold people) them for taking so long, but this was no ordinary target. As soon as he heard they had reached their positions he tapped his radio "If you're all in position... Execute capture target T!"

Team 7 didn't need to hear anymore than that, they jumped from their hiding spots, going after the target. It was fast, and dodged first Sakura's attempt, then Sasuke's. Naruto seeing his opportunity, jumped into a tree, and came at it from above. It was a success; he grabbed the fur ball shaped target. It was, to say the least, not happy. It turned around and began attacking Naruto but after look at Naruto it was happy and sleeping in Naruto arms. The cat Tora was captured.

The crackling sound of Kakashi's voice over the radio sounded "Does it have a red ribbon on its right ear? Is it our target, Tora the cat?"

Sasuke looked lazily over at Naruto, who was getting scratch & cuddly at the small brown cat, and Sakura who was giggling at Naruto. Sasuke tapped his radio "Affirmative, Tora the cat is captured... again."

Two members Genin of Team 7 were starting to hate Tora exception Naruto. Since they had graduated six weeks ago, they had had "capture Tora the cat" mission sixteen times - seventeen with this. For some reason the Hokage loved to give their team the most hellish missions. They were had all agreed it was because of Kakashi's tardiness.

- At the mission delegation office -

"My sweet, dear Tora-Chan, I missed you! I was so worried about you! My, my, you've gotten yourself really dirty, haven't you dear? We will have to take a long, wet shower when we come home" a large lady in red said to the hellish cat, while hugging it to death, much to the 3 members satisfaction of Team 7. They were all grinning evilly at the cat. Naruto looked sadly at the cat and walked up to the large lady.

"It excuse me my lady"


"You know if you are gentle to Tora-hime, she won't run away anymore from you"

"Oh can you show me how to be gentle to Tora-Chan"

"Ok here's" the Naruto show Madam Shijimi the right away how to hold the cat, to everyone shocked and surprise The hellcat was purring & sleeping in the lady arm.

"Thanks you for your help young man and I think you need any a price so what is it what do you want?"

"Mmmmm I think your home at any earth release Jutsu or anything about Earth release or anything about improving my earth abilities for my Kekkei Genkai,if you have anything?"

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