Chapter 8

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Jayne Pov

I gave me a sweet bath and dressed. Today we have to be in a random show, I went to woke up every member.

Bam Bam and Yugyeom if you don't wake up you guys will not eat breakfast-I said and they automatically woke up.

Now that I finished with the Markson couple and YoungJae and Jr, I have to wake up Jaebum.

Jaebum! Jaebum! Ireona-I said but he was sleeping.

I tried everything to wake him up but nothing work out.

I went on top of him and began to kiss him on the cheek, his forehead and then I stare his lips. Why do I want to kiss his lips? They are tempting me so much.

Then all happened Jaebum woke up and gave me a kiss on the lips and I was in shock.

When we finished I stare him.

What was that JB?-I said looking at him.

A kiss- He said and he was about to tickle me but I screamed. .

Help please!-I said loudly and all the member came to the room.

Jayne what is happening?-all Got7 members said.

Jaebum is bothering me!-I said.

Yah Aniyo!-said Jaebum.

Then all Got7 members went to JB and began to tickle him.

Stop! Stop-it! Yah Hajima!-JB screamed laughing.

Guys stop I think Oppa had is lesson-I said.

Ne-all said and left.

You girl are so mean. I didn't do anything-JB said coming closer to me

Jaebum stop moving-I said.

Then he came to me and began to tickle me. Aishhhh Oh No.

Got6 Pov

We began to record the video of them tickling each others.

Yah Jaebum!-Jayne screamed.

Jay stop it really!-He said and began to tickle more.

No until you stop Jae- Jayne said trying to catch her breath.

This is daebak for fans-all of us said.

What are you guys doing?-said our manager.

Yah Hyung you scared us!-said BamBam.

Let's give them privacy-said Hyung manager and we went to the kitchen.

JB Pov

I was giving tickles to Jayne until I heard her complains.

What was that?-I asked.

That was the silicone again you pabo-she said.

Omona!-I said getting frustrated.

She began to touch her breast.

Noooo I wrecked it-I said.

Yah Jaebum!! stop worrying and think of any idea-She said.

Let's go to JYP-I said and got her hand.

Yah! Slow down Oppa-She keep saying.

I ignored her and continue to walk down the streets. Fans were looking at us, but I didn't care a bit.

We opened the door of JYP.

JB is a lie it didn't wreck-Jayne said to me.

Yah!Brat!-I said pushing her.

Oppa Hajimaaaa-She said.

I'm in love with her

Opps what I did?

Jayne Pov

Now let's go to the dorm-I said to Jaebum.

He ignored me and walked out of the building and fans were there.

Yah Jaebum! I'm sorry ok. I was only messing with you. Please dont ignore me!- I said and he continued

"Yah don't ignore me or I will say your most deep secret to the fans!-I screamed, all the fans have me pleading eyes he came running to me and carried me bridal style.

What were you doing?-JB said and I ignored him.

Then we felt down since someone bumped into us.

It was Namjoon or Rapmonster.

Miahne Jaebum and Jayne-He said.

Oh aniyo- JB and I said at the same time.

Well if you want, you can come with your members and I will go with mines to a restaurant called Beautiful Flower and to spend time together is tomorrow by the way- said Rapmonster

I remembered Beautiful Flower that was my favorite place to eat.

Yeah we will like to go-JB said.

Well see you tomorrow -said Rapmonster.

We arrived to our dorm an a lot of girly voices were heard.

JB opened the door to see what was happening. It was a party about some girls who call themself Twice.

"JB OPPA"I heard and went straight to the room.

I was feeling kind of jealous, sou I forgot everything and went to sleep.
Please dont kill me.I know is a short chapter but I uptaded.

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