0.12 Fools Holiday

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Song Of The Chapter: Fools Holiday- All Time Low

Leah's Pov-

We walked in to see a wild Jaime cuddling Abby, Megan Jordyn and Charlize on there phones and Tony making a sandwich.

"We're home did anyone die." Jaime said "Poor little enchilada is on her period." Vic stared at her in disgust and I started to chuckle. Jaime said in an annoyed tone to me "Tamale this is a serious thing she is really sensitive right now."

"Ok whatever you say Jamie." "It's Jaime." "I know." I walked to the fridge and saw a rockstar. I grabbed it and Vic took it away "And no." "Dang it." Charlize said "so when are we getting a Christmas tree."

"I was thinking this weekend family trip and Jaime where's mike." Mike came in just as on cue with bags from target out of breath to.

"Ok I got chocolate ice cream, pads, ibuprofen, cookie dough, some chick flick, and a box of chocolates." Jaime said to Abby in a soft voice "enchilada you want some ice cream."

Abby sighed and said "Yeah but I was hoping for sherbet." Jaime yelled "MIKE GET SHERBET!" Mike yelled "HELL NO I JUST WENT OUT!" "NOW THE POOR ENCHILADA IS SICK!"

He grabbed his keys and left again. Tony said "You were lucky you missed most of it."

"Good to know Turtle." Megan yelled "CAN WE GO CHRISTMAS SHOPPING TINY MEXICAN!" Vic was drinking my rockstar and said "Sure if you guys want."

Megan ran upstairs and grabbed all of our purses and threw them at us. "LETS GO!" This is Megan's holiday for sure.

Megan's Pov-

I grabbed the girls purses and yelled "LETS GO!" I love Christmas time and all the wrapping and gifts everything about the holiday.

We were currently sitting in the van I was sitting in the back with Charlize, Abby and Jordyn. Leah was in the middle with Tony.

Jordyn whispered to me "I'm Jewish I don't celebrate Christmas." Charlize laughed and said "Just say you don't celebrate this holiday."

"No I'm not chimchar saying I am Jewish to a bunch of Catholics I am Jewish plus Christmas seems fun."

Abby slapped her hand on her face and Jaime said "Aww poor enchilada is to tired to shop."

Vic said "Ok who are you all buying for." I pulled out a list and her glasses.

"Well we all need to buy for you guys and each other." Leah sighed and Jordyn said "And Leah no spending all your stuff at hot topic."

"Ok what if we do this we wait in the food court while all you guys go shopping for us then later we can each take you on your own to go deal."

"Deal." "Sure what do I have to loose." "Ok fine." "I guess." "Got it girls let's get our shop on."

Leah's Pov-

Vic gave us each 100 to spend on the boys. We were walking around when we saw Hot topic. Megan saw me and Abby stop in front of it. "Let's go in Abby."

Megan pulled us back from the display window and said "No." Charlize went in and we all followed her.

"Charles why are you in here." "Because we live with punk bands now so this is what it narrows us to." "Yeah true."

Charlize held up a Pierce The Veil shirt and said "This sounds like something Vic would wear." I slapped my hand on my face and she said "I'm sorry Leah if I took your present but I am getting Vic this."

In the end I got for Jaime a a soccer Jersey for Mexico. Mike I got him some some hats. Tony I got him a stuffed turtle and a new pair of plugs I know he doesn't wear them but he looks so cute in them, and Vic I got him a new pair of black vans.

Charlize's Pov-

I grabbed like 4 Pierce the veil shirts for each of the guys I mean cmon they keep bringing up Pierce The Veil. They are probably huge fans. If they know all their songs and own all there CDs. Huge fans Jaime probably runs a fan account.

Jordyn's Pov-

I needed more money for Vic's present because I spent so much on Mike I'm trying to kiss up. I got him a pair of vans, Jaime a pair, Tony a pair and since I couldn't afford Vic's pair I got him a can of corn.

Vic always complain how Jaime eats to much corn so that's why. It's common knowledge to get Vic a can of corn.

Abby's Pov-

I got each boy a jacket that said there names on the back cause I just gave up.

Megan's Pov-

I got all the boys fit bits because they need it. They just sit and play instruments all day.

Leah's Pov-

We were finish shopping time to head home to wrap presents while Vic and Mike get the Christmas decorations from outside

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