I frowned. Why would they wait so long to tell me the truth, but most importantly, why would they keep it hidden from me? They should've just told me Daniel's my son, so I wouldn't be walking around calling my son, brother. But it explains so much though. I always wondered why Daniel favored me so much. He had a few characteristics of Mama and Daddy but he mainly favored me. We both had the same colored eyes, same skin tone and from the childhood pictures my parents showed me, I strongly resemble Daniel when I was his age. "So, I had Daniel? He's my son? Who's the father? Is it Andre?"

He nodded his head. "Yeah you had him. I know we should've told you but we didn't want to put that burden on you since you've been through so much baby girl but you and Daniel both deserve to know the truth. I think it's been going on for too long, and the only reason we didn't say anything sooner was because of your mother. She never wanted Daniel to know the truth, but I think he deserves to know who his mother is and I think you're old enough now to take care of him. The court case is mainly about him Lindsey. Even if I don't have to take the stand, I need you to be there as Daniel's mother. If I don't get him, your grandparents are the last people that need to take him."

I took a deep breath. "Okay but is Andre his father? Where's his father at? I get he's my son but he has to have a father if I had him. I just can't make a baby on my own."

Daddy sighed. "I really don't want to get into this right now Lindsey."

I frowned. "Why? You keep saying Daniel deserves to know the truth, so do I! I've been trying to regain my memory for over a month and everybody in my family's been lying to me! Y'all had me walking around calling him my brother when he's my son! How am I supposed to look at that kid now? Am I supposed to go on as if I'm not his mother?"

"Look, you need to lower your voice when you're talking to me. I know you're hurt and upset but before this, you said you planned on telling him yourself. You're acting like we expected you to lose your memory or something. And do you really think I want to sit here and tell my daughter how she got pregnant when she was 17?"

"Obviously I had sex."

He shook his head. "You were r*ped, alright?"

I scrunched up my face. "R*ped? By who?"

"This crazy mother fucker named Luther. He was out looking to hurt me and your Mama because of something stupid that happened a long time ago but he got a hold of you instead. He hurt you baby girl and he got you pregnant with Daniel. Me and your Grandpa rolled down on him and murked his ass."


"I wasn't gonna let that nigga walking around after knowing what he did to you baby girl. He had been to jail before but that didn't do anything but make him crazier. He needed something he couldn't come back from, so we got rid of him," he shrugged his shoulders. "Who cares about that nigga anyways? He assaulted a 17 year old girl because he was desperate to get revenge? He's a damn fool, that's what he is."

"So Daniel doesn't have a father?"

"I've talked to you in the past about it and you said Andre's willing to step up and help take care of him. I don't know what y'all are gonna do but you're married and it wouldn't hurt if you took your son. I know this is random and crazy but I promise to help you but you need to grow up and take care of him yourself."

"How? I don't have a job and neither does Andre. I mean, he has an internship but that's not enough for the two of us and Daniel."

"There's government assistance programs."

I scrunched up my face. "Welfare?" I yelled. "Don't you have money? How come you can't help me? What the hell?"

He shook his head. "It's not as bad as you might seem but I'll be there to help you too. You need to do something else to get some money too. I don't know how you'll get a job with your condition, so I suggest getting Food Stamps, getting an EBT card, getting affiliated with W.I.C., some type of welfare to help you, Daniel and Andre out until Andre gets a job."

So Far Gone (Urban) Book 8 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now