"You're right," I smirked, laughing a little after finishing the bacon. "You're definitely a better cook than me."

He chuckled in reply, and leaned forwards. I did the same, and our lips were about to touch when a loud ringing came from Elijah's room. He groaned and apologized, before quickly walking to his room. I heard him rummaging around, and I knew that he was searching for his suit jacket or his pants (which were now torn to pieces). He eventually found the phone, and answered it as he came back to the kitchen. He rolled his eyes as he put the phone to his ear.

"What is it, Marcellus?" he said, and I now understood why he was annoyed.

"It's Rebekah," Marcel replied, and I looked up as Elijah and I both became equally concerned.

"Has something happened to her? Is she alright?"

"To be honest, I have no idea," Marcel said. "I found her passed out in the streets last night and brought her back to my place, then a god damned herd of witches showed up at my door," he sighed. "And Josephine is with them."

Elijah swallowed, glancing up at me before speaking again. "We're on our way."

He hung up the phone, and we both rushed to our rooms. I found a pair of jeans, and was searching for a top.

"I'm assuming that our deal with Josephine is now in void," I groaned, finding a blue shirt that I quickly threw on.

"It seems that way," Elijah said from his room. "Either she found out something about Rebekah that has changed her mind, or Rebekah has done something absolutely vile that we don't know about. I, for one, am hoping for the first option."

"But knowing our luck, it's probably the second," I sighed, putting my jacket on and walking out of the room.

"Unfortunately, yes," Elijah said, coming out of his room and meeting me. I saw that he had rushed to put on a suit. He was certainly used to it by now. His tie was crooked, which I informed him on, and he fixed it before grabbing his own jacket and rushing out of the apartment with me right behind him.

We heard Marcel try to explain to Josephine that Rebekah was inhabiting Eva's body, but no one seemed to care.

"Is that your version of an alibi?" Josephine asked. "Take her."

"That won't be necessary," Elijah told her as he walked up behind her. The witches moved aside, and we both moved past them. "Miss LaRue," he said, walking to stand in front of the witches. "It would be a great shame to soil the goodwill of our recent agreement. Now, I am sorry for your loss, but, Marcel is telling the truth. Rebekah now occupies the body of Eva Sinclair, and my sister is innocent of this crime. Now, you have my word, I will find whoever is responsible and make certain that justice is served," he took a step closer to Josephine, but failed to intimidate her. "But now, I would encourage you all to leave."

Josephine stayed silent for a moment, then spoke in a tough tone that made us certain she was unwilling to negotiate. "You have until tomorrow. After that, it won't matter what I say. Witches will stop at nothing to protect their children. That's an impulse I know you can respect," she said.

The witches turned and walked away, leaving all four of us watching them in concern.

What the hell were we going to do?


"You know that he's probably going to end up killing her, don't you?" I asked, sighing while Elijah and I stepped out of his car. "He's Klaus Mikaelson, he trusts people about as far as he can throw them."

"Yes, well, at least we can stop him," he said. "We might need Freya to help Rebekah. Perhaps he will behave after he learns of our predicament."

We walked into the house and went directly to the dining room, and Klaus was waiting for us in anticipation for the family brunch he had called for.

"There you are, finally," he said, smirking a little.

"I was..." he looked back at me, then at Niklaus. "Delayed," Elijah replied.

"I see that," his smirk widened when he saw my face, which was likely red by now.

Elijah narrowed his eyes at him. "A situation arose with Marcellus that we needed to take care of."

Klaus nodded, dropping the subject for the time being. "Our guest of honor will be here momentarily."

Elijah was somewhat puzzled as he noticed that there weren't any sounds in the house. "Strange. Our house is conspicuously absent of our lupine guests."

Klaus laughed. "I sent Hayley and her poorly groomed husband off to spend the day with their werwolf brethren to test the limits of their new abilities," he said, walking over to the doorway to see if anyone was coming yet. "Leaving me to deal with family business as I see fit."

"Klaus, Rebekah's situation has taken an unfortunate turn. We might need Freya's help, she might know more about this than us. So, whatever you were planning here?" I siad. "Don't."

Klaus rolled his eyes in reply. "All I'm planning is a simple chat with a long-lost relative. You yourself said to hear her out."

"And you yourself said that would be idiocy," Elijah countered.

"Did I?" Klaus said, straining to remember. "Well, it does sound like me."

"What the hell are you planning, Nik?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

He smirked. "Oh, nothing, my dear Roseia," he now feigned innocence. "Regardless, on the off-chance Freya has some information that could protect my daughter, I'd prefer she share it on my terms," he pointed towards his ear, grinning. "Ah! I think I hear her now!" he turned around just as Freya walks into the dining room, smiling at us all. "Sister! Well, come in! Come in! Make yourself comfortable!"

Freya seemed a little nervous, but smiled warmly at us all.

I had a feeling that she wouldn't be smiling soon.

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