Food appreciation is a deadly hobby

Start from the beginning

Kashara mentally patted herself on her back for her plan. Yes! She finally had a way to get back to Erth; and a willing party who hated Fallon enough! She had to somehow contact them now, she thought as she followed the maid. The poor maid, look so traumatised from her rendezvous that she seemed as if she might drop dead from shear terror.

Oh sweet Sybil...If she faints I lose my lead to my escape. Her stomach growled in annoyance. And my lead to the kitchen. Kashara hastened so as to not let the maid out of her sight. The kitchen assaulted her nose before it could assault her eyes. The smell of vegetables and meats roasting away, the soups and stews boiling, and the sweet fragrance of desserts she had never heard of. She stood at the entrance in awe of the magnificent sight that was the Demitytan Palace kitchen.

The elementals drew fires for the cooking, a humongous body of fire that danced around pots and pans without burning the food. There also were this bunch of elementals who guided the water for the cleaning, huge waves of water leaping forth from a enormous pool dousing dirty utensils, and ripping the stains from them. Some people were using spell crafts to cut and move food and utensils. Well, when she said some, she meant like nearly fifty odd people. The kitchen was as huge as the pavilion in the Institution, and bunches of people gathered in each station, systematically doing everything. There was a rhythm to the whole thing and Kashara still had her jaw open.

Mages on Erth would have scorned at something like working in the kitchen. It was a punishment for magelings who didn't behave in the Institution actually; talking in class — a week of kitchen duty. Forget your homework — two weeks. Skip classes — a month.

It was disconcerting to come from Erth, where magic was afforded high honour and importance, and see it being used for menial task like this on Demitytes. Kashara wondered if Demitytes ever prized magic, or if elementals were so much in abundance that magic was a common commodity. Come to think of it, the magical ability of someone never came into discussion here, as far as she had heard. Kashara was reinforced of the belief that maybe everyone had magic here.

The maid Kashara followed had long since disappeared into the throng of workers dancing around each station. They were like bees rallying around their Queen, only they were probably cannibalistic, because their queen was very edible and tempting, especially for Kashara's stomach right now.

She walked into the kitchen, half in a stupor of hunger, bumping into a maid carrying a tray of mouth watering meats on a silver platter. The maid managed a save in the last second and secured the tray on her hip, levelling a glare at Kashara. She promptly did a double take, noting Kashara's lack of uniform.

"What in the world are you wearing? Where is your uniform?" She cried shrilly.

Kashara blinked slowly, as if processsing what she said, and replied, "Oh, I am not a maid here." She paused and addded, "Umm... I am the..." She paused again wondering if it was wise to tell her she was the Queen. She was surrounded by maids, some of whom she suspected had a violent dislike for her, if one judged the butchered up dinners she got. Maybe they rather hoped her face was the target practice, than the food they gave her.

And Kashara didn't feel like becoming target practice anytime soon. Actually, never was more accurate, she thought, eyeing the huge butcher knives floating around and flying with devastating force towards the chunks of meat. She gulped slowly, a hand clutching her throat. If the last message she got for dinner was any indication, there was a high probability they might turn towards her; Enjoy your dinner, freak. A step out of line and it will be you on this plate.

She had no desire to wind up on a dinner plate with a generous amount of chilly sauce and gravy on her, thank you very much. She had no idea how she could enjoy the dinner with such a pronouncement on her mind, though she appreciated the sentiment.

Now that she thought about it, she wondered if it was very smart of her to seek out a bunch of psychopaths baying for her blood, in their natural habitat. Not her finest moment... She was interrupted from her gruesome train of thoughts as the shrill maid waved her hands in front of her face.

"What!? Thief! Have you no respect for the culinary arts!! You will rue the day you stepped in here!" The maid glared at her. "You are in so much trouble girl! Guards! Take this girl to the dungeons! Arrest her for trespassing! Immediately!" She cried.

Kashara could see, from the corner of her eyes, burly men move forward from wall, where they had been a wall flower for so long. Not that they resembled anything remotely like a flower. If anything, they probably were as anti-flower as possible, being as similar to boulders as humanly possible. She had to act fast if she wanted to get out of a stint in the dungeons. Somehow, despite Demitytes having amazing technology, she doubted their dungeons were very liveable.

She also had no wish to see Fallon's irritating smirk, when he would let her out.

Think Kashara think. You cannot go to the dungeons. 


Hey folks! How was this?? Are my updates getting more punctual or what? ( If anyone is saying or what...I have selective hearing sorry) ;p. SO did you enjoy the pangs of hunger with Kashara? Poor Kashara, She probably might stay hungry for a verry verry long time. ( not an hint... just meant till my next update, Hahahahaha)

Just kidding, I'll be sooner next time. Hope you like the increasing length. Its 1700 now ( I normally write like 1000 odd words) I am trying guys :) but I just feel long chapters tend to feel very draggy.

Also who is missing Fallon? He hasn't made an appearance for this chapter, and I miss him already. :(

I'm rather sleepy so Tom and Loki are also going to bed,..

Tom: this accursed blanket inhibits my speech. Get it of-umphf umpff.

Loki : Hey who turned off the lights?!?

Goodnight folks! And try not to dream about Fallon okay. Kashara gets jealous ;)*wnk*



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