Nearly did murder, almost asphyxiated, but good talk.

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There was this peculiar vase in their bedroom. It was huge, aquamarine and weird creatures dancing around it, quite ordinary really, but what made it really peculiar was that it weighed next to nothing if you lifted it, but packed quite the punch when swung. The way Kashara gained this knowledge was quite illicit.

She had once knocked into it, during an early morning sleepy stumble, sending it flying with little effort. The vase had crashed into the dressing table and promptly made smithereens out of it. She had cajoled the maids into saying nothing of it...after they had magicked the table back.

She now eyed the vase, wondering if it could also smash a furious pacing elemental prince, tearing a hole through the carpet in front of her.

"Can you please stop ruining the rug? I'm rather partial to the design." She quipped, immediately regretting it, when Fallon gave her a stormy look.

Just as she was calculating the best trajectory to aim for his head, Fallon suddenly stomped over to the bed, making her scramble away to the opposite side. However Fallon launched himself across and easily grabbed her by the ankle and pulled her over.

"Oh darling, I assure you, you should be worried about so many other things right now. The carpet is the least of your worries." He breathed out darkly.

Kashara knew it was a bad sign when someone threatening you, caused delicious shivers in your body. Mannn she was f*cked.

"Actually, I think you want to be f*cked" Sneaky voice was at it again, making awkward unwanted revelations.

Even though Kashara was probably ovary-acting to Fallon's voice, she controlled her womanly urges ( yes, woman have needs too dammit) and wriggled out of Fallon's grasp. Fallon kneeled on the bed and stared down at her.

"Excuse me, for trying to find out why in the name of the seven realms, am I here in the first place!" Kashara shouted, "All I've been doing since I arrived is attending staged balls or sitting around drinking a horrible excuse for tea. Tell me, was there a point to me actually being here? Or does your planet magically rejuvenate itself with my presence?"

Fallon opened his mouth but Kashara cut him off.

"Because the last time I checked, my magic was apparently the thing that 'guaranteed the survival of an entire race' in your words. Now, I don't even have it, and I know you blocked it!" She cried furiously.

"Have you thought that maybe your magic is gone because it's healing my planet?" Fallon asked quietly, looking down at her. Kashara opened her mouth, and closed it. That made sense, but she didn't sign up for losing her magic.

Actually she didn't sign up for this at all.

She stared at him furiously "Yes well, if that is true, why the heck did you have to marry me? Couldn't you have just kidnapped a Erthling mage and suck off her magic? Why even marry?"

"There is a ceremony after the healing, for Demitytes, that binds her(Demitytes) magic, and so I can't just kidnap an unwilling girl, she has to be crowned Queen of Demitytes." Fallon said. Kashara frowned at him. He seemed very vague, and there was something off about him.

Plus kidnapping an unwilling girl was exactly what he had done.

" You understand, politics and all that. I thought it would be good to have an alliance with Erth... scope out the competition, display the might of my plant etc, etc, only I didn't expect the Protector to try plant a spy in my midst " He continued.

Kashara nearly snorted. Fallon didn't see that? That was like basic politics. If you have an enemy, place a spy. Fallon must be losing his touch.

" Going senile in old age Fallon? Like I believe you never thought that your archenemy's planet would never try to bring you down? "

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