Primordial Battle

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She slowly backed away from, careful to keep her hands still covering her eyes. She debated making a run for it, while Fallon was still shocked and frozen. However she knew he had probably seen her trying to enter his study, as there was no way he had gotten so close without seeing what she was doing just a few seconds ago.

Still, she knew she couldn't just stand here and face his wrath. She still couldn't deal with looking at such a murderer. She eyed the bedroom, wondering if she could somehow barricade herself inside. However, she once again remembered how un-magical her magic was being was being at the point and decided to make a break for it and maybe hide somewhere in the Casadez. She thought back to the kitchen and Eriaek and wondered if he would hide her. That was her best bet.

She swiftly took her hands off Fallon's face, before he could grab her hand - he had begun to reach up to remove her hands. She shoved him to the floor, catching him by surprise before he could open his eyes fully. As Fallon tumbled to the ground, Kashara promptly took off the way she came, hoping that Fallon didn't use magic, or at least she was out of his reach.

She turned left and right in the passage, and came upon Eriaek still going at his baking. She gave a great gasp. "Oh Artemis, Eriaek! Please you have to hide me! He's after me!" She exclaimed loudly startling the chef who was still making a fresh batch of buns. "Buns squared" She thought faintly but she was more preoccupied by the fact that a very pissed Fallon had seen her trying to break in to her study, had been face palmed, shoved and given the slip.

Surviving was rather high on her bucket list, and not even the call of freshly baked buns could thwart her. Kashara quickly dived under a table Eriaek pointed to. She hugged her knees as she felt Fallon's furious magic near. Fallon didn't terrify her often, Kashara was a wild spirit who often took frightening things as a challenge. She rarely submitted to her fear. However, Fallon awakened a primordial fear in her, especially after she had seen what he was capable of.

"Where is she?" His voice cried.

"Who?" Eriaek asked, his voice the epitome of clueless.

"Don't lie to me! I know she is here. I could trace her here. You are concealing her presence. I demand that you remove your spell at once.!"

Kashara tried to come to terms with this shockingly revelation that Eriaek had magic. She realised perhaps everyone in Demitytes had some sort of magic, unlike Erth where only some were granted the power. She then had a sudden brainwave. Eriaek was probably more likely to help her out of this hellhole. Maybe not exactly help her escape, but he might be willing to examine why her magic was blocked, if she didn't tell him that Fallon was behind it.

Though Eriaek had been more friendly than with her than any other Erthling, and the only one who hadn't deceived her so far, she didn't think he was willing to signup for traitor ship. He might help her if he thought he wasn't going against Fallon.

"I am afraid I can't do that." Eriaek replied in a curt tone.

Kashara then considered maybe he might jump at the first chance to oppose Fallon, going by their conversation. There had to be an existing fight between them.

"General Tisorne, this is insubordination! I could execute you for this!" Fallon countered. Kashara's mind was reeling. Eriaek was a ...general...the general of Demitytes? Oh jumping Jupiter, she had ogled at his butt! She had grabbed his buns (not them you dirty minded freak) without permission. She wouldn't be surprised if he had a personal vendetta for her and was only saving her for himself!!!

Oh Artemis! Well done Kashara! How do you manage to find yourself in these situations?

"I am only trying to safeguard my planet's Queen from an ill advised attack." Eriaek replied calmly.

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