Your first flight

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You walked in after a hard day at college and leaned your head against the front door in an attempt to dispel the bad happenings of the day so that you were cheerful when you saw Calum. You let out one final deep breath and smiled before turning round and placing your bag down. The hallway was dark and you looked further into the apartment to figure out where Calum was. A faint light escaping out through the far door on the left, the gaming room, gave him away and you walked down. "Hi babe," you called as you walked in. You were about to go forward and engulf him in a hug when you froze, your eyes scanning the mess canvassing the floor. Pizza boxes, cans of pop and beer, magazines, clothes and x-Box games were scattered all over floor and draped over the two sofas in the room. Calum had a second pizza box on his lap and you watched in horror and disgust as he dropped a can of Pepsi onto the floor, a few drops of the brown liquid landing on the wooden surface and pooling together. "What. Are. You. Doing?" You said slowly through barred teeth. Calum making a mess was something that occurred frequently and usually it didn't bother you, especially when he was away on tour all the time. This was different though. You had spent six hours the previous day tidying the whole house top to bottom only for it to be ruined by him today. You were sick of cleaning up after him. He wasn't a child. He was a grown man, to some extent, and needed to start taking responsibility. "Hi," he called back, not hearing your previous question. You walked over to him, avoiding the mess, and switched off the TV causing a string of shouts to leave his lips. You spun on your heel and glared at him. He shrunk under your gaze. "What am I doing?" You asked slowly in response to one of his shouts. "What do you think you're doing?" Calum knitted his eyebrows together in confusion and replied, "I don't know what you mean." That made you angrier but you managed to contain it as you motioned about you, referring to the mess. His eyes looked about the room and it took a couple of seconds for him to realise. "Oh, that? It's fine babe honestly I'll clean it after another round of Fifa," he shrugged, standing up and walking back over to the telly. "You say that all the time. You always say that you'll clean later on or after another game but you never do! It's always left up to me and I'm always the one spending hours upon hours cleaning only to have you mess it up again straight after." He sighed heavily as he plopped back down onto the sofa and resumed the game. "It'll be fine," he repeated. "It won't be. I'll have to clean up again. Don't get me wrong I don't mind doing it. But you're 19, turning 20 next year. I'm your girlfriend not your mother. You need to start cleaning up." He didn't look up at you for a few minutes and you stood there, the anger and irritation mounting as every second passed by. "I'll do it after this. How many times do I need to tell you?!" He spoke, his voice louder than before. "You'll do it now," you instructed. When he failed to acknowledge your words you went back over to the TV and placed your finger above the off button on the x-Box. Calum froze and narrowed his eyes at you. "Don't you dare," he said in a low voice, his body seated at the edge of the sofa ready to grab you if you did it. "Clean up right now then," you bargained. "After this game," he retorted. "Now." He shook his head. "Fine." You switched off the machine and watched as he glared at you. "Why did you do that? I told you after that game! Why can't you just get off my back and let me do things when I want to? I said I would clean it up and I'm going to," he shouted, standing up and coming closer to you. "You always say that and you never do! I've had to clean up after you so many times," you shouted back, throwing your hands up in the air. "I do tidy up!" You scoffed and placed your hands on your hips as you looked at him. "Name the last time you cleaned up." He fell silent and looked to the floor. "Exactly. You can't name it because you never do. And when you say you will I never believe you." Calum looked up and asked, "So you don't believe me?" His voice had fallen quiet. You nodded. "So you don't trust me?" He pursued. "I never said that, now you're twisting my words," you replied, trying to keep your voice level. "No, I heard you. I guess if you don't trust or believe me then there's no point in there being a relationship," he shrugged. Your face fell and your heart stopped. What did he just say? "I didn't-," you tried to protest but he cut you off. "No, whatever I get it." A heavy silence lingered in the room and you stood there, trying to figure out how an argument about the mess in the gaming room turned into what could be the end of your relationship. Had you overreacted? Had Calum? "I'll go then," you said quietly. Calum didn't say anything and walked back over to the x-Box and switched it back on, taking his position on the sofa. With that you stormed out, tears in your eyes. It wasn't all bad however. When you returned back in the evening to collect your stuff you were surprised to see the whole apartment tidy, even the gaming room, and even more surprised to see Calum in the bedroom the two of you shared holding a large teddy bear that clasped a heart in its arms. Cal apologised and you quickly forgave him, jumping into his arms and pressing a kiss to his lips. From then on the two of you shared the cleaning in the apartment.

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