Voodoo Doll

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I don't wanna stay, I wanna run away but I'm trapped under your spell...

"Cal mate," Ashton began as he leant back on his chair, flicking his hair away from his face, "You should really leave her. She treats you unfairly." I glanced in his direction and shrugged my shoulders, mumbling, "I think she treats me fine. And she's beautiful and does make me happy most of the time." Michael shot me a look and argued, "Most of the time? Your girl should make you happy all of the time." I opened my mouth to protest but nothing came out. I guess what they were saying was true and they were only looking out for me. "She should be here soon anyway," I muttered, hoping they wouldn't hear me. All of their heads perked up and they narrowed their eyes at me in unison. "She's coming? Here?" Michael asked incredulously. The X-Box controller that he had clutched in his hands moments before had fallen onto his lap. I nodded shyly. "I thought it would be a good idea for all of us to bond." They still looked at me as though I was the silliest thing in the world. There was a loud, harsh knocking on the door and I suddenly became nervous. "She's here. (Y/N)'s here," I said to myself. I got up and travelled to the door but before I let her in I pointed my finger and looked at all of them. "Don't try anything. Be nice, right? Honestly she's great once you get to know her." They all nodded but I had a feeling one of them would say something. "Hi babe!" I greeted her with a kiss and (Y/N) kissed me back for a slight second and then pushed me out of the way, strutting into the room. "What are you all looking at?" She snapped. I was currently stunned by the way she had just walked past me with a kiss that could barely be classed as affectionate and I turned to see each of them sending her a look of disapproval. "Nothing, they're staring at nothing (Y/N), don't worry," I assured as I placed a hand on her back and guided her away. She glared at each one of them as we passed and took a seat on the sofa. There was a long, awkward silence that ensued. "So, how have you been lately?" I asked her kindly in hopes to break the tension. "Well, I was feeling so super happy until I came to this boring dump," she growled, curling her nose up in disgust as she looked around the place. "Whoa, this place isn't boring," Ash cut in. I sent him a warning glance and he turned away in a huff. "Well, I think it is." It was again silent until Michael started to play on his game. All of our attention was directed there. I must admit he was playing rather well, better than me anyway. "You totally suck at this game," (Y/N) rudely pointed out. Mikey paused his game and glared at her. "I think you'll find I'm doing awesome. You just don't know how to play." She held his gaze. "You suck. And you," she said, pointing at Ashton, "Are so rude, and you," she pointed at Luke, "You're just too quiet for my liking." Luke looked away, clearly not interested as he rolled his eyes and then Ashton stood up abruptly. "I think you're the rude one, and I think you should leave. Now." (Y/N) stood up and yanked me by the door. "Yes, I will. Come on babe." I walked over with her but explained I had to stay here because we were going to start writing some more songs. "Text me tonight, Ok?" She asked as she flipped her hair over one shoulder. I nodded and studied her. She looked so beautiful the way her hair perfectly framed that flawless face of hers. No matter how dark or light a room was there was always a twinkle in her beautifully coloured eyes and whenever she treated me to a smile it always made my heart stop. She truly was beautiful. Her attitude may be a problem but once you got to know her she really was sweet. She placed a much more tender kiss than before on my lips and pulled me closer. "Love you baby," she mumbled, pulling away and opening the door. "I love you too." She winked, waved and then strutted out. After I had closed the door Mikey breathed, "I'm glad she's gone. No offence Cal, but she's really annoying." Luke piped up for the first time, "You should totally leave her. Don't even bother staying with her, just run away!" I smirked as my feelings for (Y/N) poured through me. "I totally would but believe it or not, I love her. It's like she's got me trapped under some kind of spell of hers."

And it hurts in my head and my heart and my chest and I'm having trouble catching my breath...

I smiled as I saw (Y/N) approaching me. She was wearing casual clothing and yet seemed to look so beautiful. She wore no make-up and yet seemed so stunning. I kept thinking how lucky I was to find someone not only beautiful, but also someone who had the most awesome and sweet personality. She laughed at all of my jokes no matter how bad they were, she loved playing videos games and she was fine with just lounging about. She never insisted upon going shopping and she always listened to me. She was just perfect. I loved everything about her. I was stood outside her house and we were going to mine where we were going to have a third date. "Hi," she smiled, a slight nervous air about her. I grinned and reeled her in for a hug, placing a sweet kiss on her cheek. She blushed and drew her bottom lip in with her teeth. "Shall we go?" I asked. She nodded and tucked some of her hair behind her ear as we both walked on. We weren't usually nervous around each other, just when we met. After the first five minutes we were fine. Very soon, halfway to my house, we were laughing as she informed me what her day had consisted of. "So, do you have anyone in particular that you like?" I teased casually. That same blush from before rose to her cheeks and she angled her head away from me. "Well," she paused and then turned to me, a twinkle in her eyes. "There is this someone but," she stopped and then finished her sentence with a shrug of the shoulders. "Oh, do tell (Y/N), do tell." She ran some paces ahead and turned to face me, walking backwards. "Well, it's this amazing guy. He somehow always manages to make me laugh, he has the same interests as me and I think he actually likes me for who I am." She threw her hands up in the air dramatically and then skipped back to me, nudging me playfully. A huge smile had developed on my face. "So, how about you? Anyone in your life?" I shot her a smirk and copied her previous action of shrugging the shoulders. "Well, there is someone," I mimicked. She shoved me playfully but never told me to stop. "But seriously, she's just amazing. She's so beautiful, she loves all the things I do and I just found out the other day she cooks so amazingly," I admitted, looking down to the floor and then reconnecting my gaze with hers. We had arrived at my home by this time and we were just looking at each other. My brain and heart were screaming at me to kiss her but I didn't know whether she would appreciate that. We hadn't had our first kiss together and despite being with other girls I found it nerve-racking to even do it. I wondered what she was thinking. I didn't realise it but I was subconsciously leaning in, my lips inching closer to hers. My lips brushed hers and then they connected. If she didn't like it she would pull away, or if she wasn't ready she would too. But, much to my delight, she kissed me back and made the situation better by wrapping her arms around my neck and bringing me closer. After a few moments of our lips dancing together she pulled away and blushed for the third time today along with myself. "That was awesome," we both breathed at the same time and then burst out laughing. The awkward tension that may have been around evaporated quickly and I slung an arm over her shoulder and walked her into my house. "Where's the toilet? I really need it," she giggled, jumping up and down. I told her how to get there and watched as she jogged up the stairs. Just then my phone went off and I looked at the Caller ID. It was Ashton. "Yeah?" I asked. "So," his voice sounded, an edge of smugness to it, "How is the date going so far." I paused and whispered, "Great," as the pictures of the kiss flashed through my mind again. "Whoa, so you really like (Y/N)?" He asked, sounding rather surprised by the fact. "I-I don't know. How do I know if I do?" I stuttered. "Well, tell me how you feel," he said. "Well," I began and then continued after a deep breath, "She makes me happy whenever I'm around her. I always look forward to meeting her and whenever we do I always get a few butterflies. I always find myself thinking of her. Like literally she's always on my mind. And sometimes I like her so much that it hurts. Ya know? Like it hurts in my head and my heart and my chest and when I'm with her, laughing and chatting with her I find myself having trouble catching my breath." I realised that I was rambling on too much and with the addition of the chain flushing I stopped. "Well," Ashton said, his usually chirpy giggle flowing down the line, "It sounds to me as though you like her. But I would wait a few more days before asking her. Or do it now if you want." I nodded despite the fact he couldn't see and then said quickly, "I need to go. Thanks mate! Bye!" I never waited for a reply and slipped my phone back in my pocket. She walked down the stairs, a small and flawless smile on her face. In that moment I knew I liked her. I really liked (Y/N)!

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