You are stressed

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Ashton strolled into your room with a large smile on his face and a bounce in his step. "Hi (Y/N)!" He called, sitting down on your bed. "Hi Ash," you mumbled, scrunching your face up in thought as you studied the maths sheet in front of you. "Whatcha doing?" He asked, leaning over your shoulder. You subtly sighed and replied quickly, "Studying for a test." He pulled back and grabbed the sheet from under your hands causing a shout to leave your lips. Chucking, he ran around the other side of the bed, holding the sheet up to his eyes and making odd expressions. "Why are you taking Maths anyway? Do you even know what these weird symbols mean?" He asked, his Australian accent thicker than normal. You chased him around the room but found you were nowhere close to catching him, so you yelled, "Ashton Fletcher Irwin!" He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at you, his eyes wide in surprise. "I have a Maths test tomorrow and if I fail I get held back a year and I can't risk that. So give me back that paper and leave me in peace. If you want to stay here then sit on the bed in silence, otherwise leave." He handed you back your sheet of paper filled with formulas and backed away. "Ok, Ok, I'll leave you to your studies," he groaned, grabbing his phone that was on the bed and wandering out of the room. You sank back down on your chair and raked a hand through your hair in frustration. You hated being mad at him but this was really important.
"All done," you smiled as you put everything back in its place. You had finally finished everything and were feeling satisfied. You were going to ace that test tomorrow! A pang of guilt spread through you as you remembered how harsh you had been to Ashton earlier but just as you picked up your phone to text him, your bedroom door creaked open slowly. In the doorway, that same, huge, goofy smile on his lips was Ashton and in his hands were a box of your favourite chocolates and a teddy bear cuddling a love heart. "I thought you needed cheering up," he chirped, sitting down next to you. You grinned and grabbed onto the bear, running your fingers across its fluffy body. "So I decided to get you some gifts and have a movie night and sleepover with you," he announced, throwing his hands up in the air dramatically. You giggled as you pulled him closer to you, your lips inches away. "Thanks Ash, it means a lot." He smirked and connected his lips to yours, the two of you indulging in the moment. When you pulled away you breathed, "I'm sorry for being so mean to you. I was just super stressed out." You scratched the back of your neck nervously. "Nah, I should have been more understanding (Y/N). What with touring and everything I've pretty much forgotten how stressful school can be," he shrugged, getting up and placing a DVD into the player. "So we're even then?" You grinned. He laid down in the space next to you and pulled you onto his chest mumbling, "We're even babe," before bringing his lips down to yours once more. You had to hand it to him, he was the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. 


"I didn't know moving house could be this stressful," you murmured to yourself as you placed the last dish into the box labelled 'Kitchen'. The fans had found out where you and your husband Luke lived and, after six months of having your privacy encroached, the two of you had decided to move. However it was proving to be more stressful than you had ever thought. You cello-taped the box and moved it with your foot gently over to the others. That was the kitchen all packed up, now it was time to go into the living room. "I'm back!" You heard Luke call. You smiled as he walked in and kissed him before grabbing a lamp that sat on the coffee table. "You've started packing without me?" He asked, a slight tone of disappointment lacing his words. You inwardly groaned. You had wanted to include Luke but sometimes he got in the way and it made things worse. "Yeah I just," you paused and scanned your mind for a reasonable excuse. "I was just sick of waiting I guess," you finished, sending a friendly smile his way. He bought it and pecked you on the forehead before he began to help.
You were halfway through packing, the living room, kitchen and bathrooms all packed up, and things were going surprisingly well. But then, in your bedroom, the trouble began. You placed some vases into a box that was filled with clothes. "Erm, Luke, is this your stuff?" You asked, placing your items down and lifting his shirts out. "Yeah, why?" He called from the hallway. "You need to put them in a different box," you called back. He poked his head round the door frame and sent you a confused look. "They're fine there," he insisted. "No, you don't understand. I have a scheme and I know where everything is going. Your shirts don't belong in the fragile items box," you explained, taking all his stuff out and placing it in a pile next to the box. You recollected your items and turned to put them in the newly emptied box only to find his clothes back in there. For a second you were confused but then you saw Luke sneaking out. "Luke really? Just stop it, you're messing everything up!" After re-emptying the box you once again grabbed your vases but when you went to turn your head collided with Luke's who was putting his shirts back in the box. Forgetting you had the vase, your hand shot up to your head and you groaned. "That's it, out!" You yelled, rubbing the sore spot. He didn't move and just stared at you with his sparkling blue eyes. "Out," you hissed through bared teeth and went forward to shove him. You didn't make it far though because you cut your foot on a broken piece of the vase. You cursed and hopped out. "Where are you going?" He asked. You didn't reply and once you had a plaster on your foot you walked out.
It was six in the evening when Luke had finally called you; five hours later. You were still mad at him. "What?" You answered. "Where are you?" He asked, his voice soft. You didn't answer him at first but after he pleaded you told him and twenty minutes later you were sat in the car with him. "I'm sorry (Y/N)," he said as he began to drive away, his eyes filled with sincerity. You ignored him and looked out of the window. "No, I really am. I know I get in the way sometimes but I don't mean it." You still never said anything. He stopped at a red light and, with his index finger under your chin, he brought your face round to his. "So I decided to make it up to you," he smirked as he placed a kiss on your cheek. After five minutes he pulled into an unfamiliar driveway and got out, coming round to the passengers side and opening up your door. "Babe, this isn't our house," you pointed out but he continued to lead you up the driveway. Opening the front door, you were surprised to see all of your belongings in this new house. And then it all clicked. Luke had moved it all and put it away. "Calum and Ashton helped me," he spoke up, a smile on his face. "I thought it would be less stress for you. I would rather me deal with all the stress then you," he said, a slight blush rising onto his cheeks. "Aww, Luke," you cooed, "You're amazing. Sorry I was a little grouchy," you smiled, fluttering your lashes. "It's fine. I now understand why you were," he chuckled with a shudder. The two of you then proceeded to kiss in the doorway of your new home that would now be stress-free. Everything was perfect.

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