How They Tell People About You ~5SOS

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"Are you sure about this?" You asked as Luke placed his phone down next to him and pulled you into his lap. A small smile made its way onto his face as he pecked your cheek lightly. "Of course I am. I want the whole World to see who's behind my smile," he said, hugging you tighter. You grinned into his chest and clung onto his shirt, feeling him grabbing his phone and clicking a few buttons. "Ok, are you ready? Strike any pose!" He chuckled, raising up the screen that was now displaying his camera. You shyly turned your head and smiled. Luke snapped a photo and then, with his free hand, placed an index finger under your chin and tilted your head up, connecting his lips with yours. Your lips tugged upwards into the kiss and he pulled back, pushing his cheek against yours, the two of you pulling an ordinary smile, and then a silly face in the next one. "There we go," he grinned, flicking through the images and showing you, a proud smile on his face. He spent the next few minutes editing them together to form a miniature collage and then uploaded them to Twitter and Instagram, having the caption, "This girl is my everything! So blessed to have someone as perfect as her in my life. World, meet my girlfriend <3 Love you (Y/N)!" With a satisfied grin, he locked the screen and carried you over to the sofa whispering, "There, now everyone knows," before kissing you.


You and Ashton had been together for 3 months now and the World was curious at to whether you were together or not. They had seen the two of your together countless times, wandering around in shops, messing on backstage and in Keeks and even at award shows when Ash had invited you as his own special guest one time. He had never confirmed whether you were together or not, but today they were about to find out. You and Ash decided to venture out and get some milkshakes from the local shake shop in your town. At first, there were no fans or cameras trailing after you but, as news spread, there was soon a little group of people following, growing bigger by the second. They respected the two of you though and just asked for photo's and autographs before stepping away and observing from a distance. This one girl came over, her face red in excitement as she squealed and asked for a photo just in front of the shop. Ashton agreed and squeezed your hand before letting it go, standing next to the girl. They got a quick picture and then you watched as the girl flicked the camera switch so it went onto video. She clicked record and aimed it at Ashton. "Hey, that's (Y/N), right?" She asked, smiling at you and showing you to the camera. Ash nodded and walked to your side, placing an arm around your shoulder and pulling you softly to him. She squealed, clearly fangirling, and asked, "Are you two together? I totally think you are but, are you?" Her face showed excitement and anticipation as she kept the camera trained on the two of you. He glanced to you and then, out of nowhere, leant down and connected his lips with yours, the familiar feeling of the butterflies swarming in your stomach occurring. After a couple of moments he pulled away, a wide smile on his face as he spoke to the camera, "Does that answer your question?" The girl screamed and nodded quickly before shrieking, "You guys are my OTP! Like I ship you so hard! I knew you were together!" With that, she ended the video and uploaded it to all of the social media sites that she had, which was an awful lot, and soon the whole world knew as you and Ash walked hand in hand for shakes.


You and Calum were sat cuddled on the sofa, watching the TV when he asked, "Would you mind if I told the World about us?" You glanced to him and smiled, glad to know that he wanted everyone to know about the two of you. "I would be totally fine with that," you grinned. His smile grew wider, his white teeth on show as he kissed your forehead and grabbed his phone. "How should we do it?" He asked thoughtfully, going onto his gallery. He flicked through various pictures of the two of you that had been gathered over the two months of you being together, you saying no to each one. Finally, he came across one photo that was in black and white, showing how his bedroom looked the night he had asked you to be his girlfriend. There were candles dotted every so often around the room, casting a warm glow throughout, in the centre of his bed there was a heart crafted out of single rose petals and in the middle of that heart was a cute love letter that Calum had wrote for you, a rose placed delicately on top. You grinned, the memories flooding back to you. Calum had stopped on this image and the two of you glanced towards each other. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He chuckled. You nodded and he uploaded that photo to Instagram, with the caption, "Forgot to tell you guys! About two months ago I asked the beautiful (Y/N) to be my girlfriend and she made me the happiest guy ever by saying yes!" He posted it, and both yours and his notifications blew up, everyone happy that you'd finally told the World. 


The boys had been pushing Mikey to tell everyone about you and him being together, but he wanted it to be special, and done in a way that he thought was good; and finally, after three months, that day came. The boys were having a concert in the arena closest to your home town and you had tagged along, supporting your boyfriend backstage. You'd noticed that he'd been a little nervous lately but had no idea why, just shrugging it off thinking it was about the show. About halfway through, Ashton shouted, "Are we all having a good time?!" The crowd roared in response and Calum said, "Wow, you guys are really loud. I think they're loving it!" Luke sang out the Mcdonalds theme tune and repeated what Calum had said, "I'm loving it!" A chorus of laughter floated up to you. "Well, in all seriousness, we believe that Michael has something to say," Luke smiled. You looked towards the small TV screen that was showing the boy's performance live in confusion. "Well, a lot of you have commented how happy I've been lately, and I want to show you who's behind it." Your heart skipped a beat. Was he finally going to tell everyone about the two of you. You watched as he placed his guitar down and wandered over to the side of the stage, eventually standing in front of you. With a large, but slightly nervous, smile on his face, he extended his hand out to you. You clutched it and walked back onto the stage with him, nervous butterflies fluttering all over you. When Mikey returned with you, the crowd roared and many people began screaming your name. It was amazing to see all those colourful lights shining all over the arena, to see all those happy faces watching the band perform, and to see all of the cute little posters the fans took forever to design. "As some of you know this is (Y/N) and I've been seeing her an awful lot lately. About three months ago I asked her to be mine and she said yes and I've never stopped smiling," he beamed, pulling you towards him for a kiss. The fans screaming increased, especially when the two of you lip-locked. "I just felt as though you should all know," Michael smiled once you had pulled back. With that, he told the guys to play Wrapped Around Your Finger and the two of you danced together, happy knowing that everyone knew about you guys.

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