How you meet 5sos

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How You Meet ~5SOS

You and your friend had found out that 5 Seconds Of Summer were in your town. To find them faster you both decided to spilt up and ring up each other whenever you found them, but they could be anywhere. You had searched through all of the shopping malls, gone to all of the best places and there was still nothing! You decided to get up and you sat down on a bench in a nearby park, sighing and checking your phone. It seems as though your friend was having no luck either. A couple of minutes had passed with you just sat down and admiring your city when you heard very loud screams coming from you right in the distance. There was no other option! It had to be then. You ran in the direction and pulled your phone out, attempting to call your friend, but before you could you bumped right into someone, you and your phone tumbling to the floor. "Ouch," you cried softly, rubbing your elbow. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry," a familiar Australian accent said. You froze for a couple of seconds and watched as the guy bent down and picked up your phone and then offered you his hand. You snapped out of your trance and grabbed his hand, him pulling you up. It was quiet for a moment and you looked up, your heart fluttering as you saw the one and only Ashton Irwin stood there, gazing down at your phone that he kept on turning over in his hand. "I promise I'll fix this," he chuckled, showing the screen to you that had a huge crack down the middle. A sharp gasp left your lips and you started, "Oh my gosh my parents are going to kill me and," but Ashton cut you off by placing a finger to your lips. "I said, I'll get it fixed pretty lady. Don't worry." Butterflies flew around in your stomach. He called you pretty lady! A blush came onto your cheeks. "Thanks," you answered. "It's Ok." It was once again silent but it was a comfortable silence. Ashton looked at you from head to toe. "How about we get it fixed now?" He asked. You nodded instantly and followed him as he walked towards the phone shop.
"There we go Sir, all fixed," the man said, handing your phone back to Ashton that had a new, clean screen. "Cheers. Here you are." he answered, taking the phone and handing him the money. Whilst the man was getting his change Ashton was on your phone doing something. You began to get suspicious. What was he doing. When the man handed back the changed he thanked him and you both walked off. Ashton was still holding your phone when it was time for the two of you to leave. "Are you keeping that?" You chuckled pointing to your phone. A cheeky grin came onto his face and he handed it back, placing a kiss on your cheek and whispering into your ear, "Call me later beautiful." You had no idea how you were going to do that. "Ashton! I don't have your number! How am I supposed to do that?!" You yelled. He kept walking on though, ignoring you. Once he was out of sight you sighed and flipped onto your contacts, getting ready to ring your friend. However, something caught your eye. A new number. Ashton's number to be precise! You squealed and jumped up and down on the spot. That's what he was doing in the shop! He was putting his number in. Excitement built up within you and you called your friend, telling her all of the details.

You were currently in line with your best friend, waiting to meet 5 Seconds Of Summer at your local music store. You were so excited and had been for days. The thought of being so close to them was...just amazing! You were about 5 from the front after waiting an hour. "Look, there they are," your friend whispered in your ear. You squealed and replied back, "They looks so much more perfect in real life." You friend nodded in agreement and in that moment Luke turned to face you. He stared at you for a moment and you stared back in shock. He had noticed you! He was looking at you!! You smiled ever so slowly and he smiled back, blushing. "Oh my gosh! Did Luke just smile and blush at you?!" Your friend squealed quietly, jumping up and down in excitement. "I-I think so," you replied, grinning from ear to ear. "You're so in there," you friend said, giggling. You blushed and walked forward. 4 more in front...3 more in front...2 more in front...1 more in front! Now it was your turn. You handed the things you wanted to sign in front of Ashton and he smiled, "What's your name little lady?" You giggled and replied back, "I'm (Y/N)." Ashton nodded and wrote down a small message on all of your things and then the guard pushed you along; Michael signing your things next and then Calum. Finally it was your turn to have Luke sign your things. "Hey," he smiled, looking up at you. "Hi," you replied back, blushing a little. "What's your name darling?" He asked. You squealed in the inside and replied, "I'm (Y/N)." Luke smiled and responded with, "Such a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl." You giggled for a couple of moments blushing completely red as Luke signed your things. Halfway through he looked up at you and smiled in thought, regarding you for a couple of moments. You had no idea what he was doing and no idea what he was thinking. With a nod of his head he continued to write down the message and handed it back to you, kissing your hand and winking at you. You walked to the end and waited for your friend, still in shock. "Oh my goodness I can't believe that we've just met them," you said, walking out of the store with your friend. "I know, me neither," she replied. Once you were out and walking home you both looked at your things that they had signed, and that was when you screamed. There, on one of the posters was a message from Luke. But not just a message. His number as well!

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