He Gets A Girlfriend But It Isn't You

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It had been a week since you had last seen Luke and he had something important to tell you. You weren't bothered about that, you just wanted to see him. You always got weak knees, a swarm of butterflies in your stomach and experienced a feeling of ecstasy come over you whenever you saw him. Explaining this to your friend, you found out it was probably because you had a crush on him and you decided that today was the day you'd tell him, when he came round. After figuring out how you were going to tell him you heard a knock and jogging over you opened the door to reveal a nervous looking Luke. "Hi," you grinned. He shot you a weary smile in response and, totally confused, you let him in. "I-is everything Ok?" You asked, sitting down next to him on the sofa. "I have something to tell you," he breathed. He was nibbling on his lip ring and fiddling with his fingers, something he always did when something was bothering him. Not knowing how to react you motioned for him to go on. "I've got a girlfriend," he said slowly, looking to the floor. You could literally hear your heart breaking. There were so many questions running through your mind but, not wanting to upset him, you feigned a smile, placed a hand on his shoulder and asked, "So, why is that such a bad thing?" Luke gazed up, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I don't know. It doesn't feel right." A tiny glint of hope sparked in your heart and you leant further in. Maybe it didn't feel right because it was you he was supposed to be with. Your friend had convinced you that he was head over heels in love with you. That hope was destroyed however when he stood up, not looking at you, and mumbled, "Maybe it's just because it's early days. Anyway I'll catch you later on. We'll go for ice-cream soon and I'll introduce you to her." You nodded your head and once again faked a smile lying, "That would be great! See you later." And with that he walked out, leaving you alone, heartbroken and hoping he'd realise it was you he wanted.


Last night you and Calum had shared your first kiss and it was better than words could ever describe. You knew for a while now he liked you and last night proved it. He had sent you a message this morning telling you he needed to speak to you and, just as you were about to text him to see when he was coming, a series of knocks sounded and soon he was stood in your kitchen with you. "So, what did you want to speak about?" You asked after a few minutes of silence, Calum looking as though a great debate was taking place in his mind. "About last night," he began and, after a few more moments of silence he added, "And what happened today." This caught your attention and you glanced up quickly shooting the question, "What did happen today?" This was when Calum looked up, guilt swirling in his eyes. "I-I," he stuttered. You wandered over to him and rubbed his back soothingly, hoping that would make him feel better. "I got a girlfriend. This morning actually. She asked me out and I said yes. I though I had better tell you in case, you know," he paused and when he saw your angered face, he whispered, "You thought I was going to be with you." You felt as though Calum had ripped your heart out and stomped on it. "So why did you kiss me?" You demanded, crossing your arms over your chest and shooting him the meanest glare you could muster. Shrinking under your gaze Calum said, "Because I got caught up in the moment and went for it. I liked you but didn't think you felt the same." A small smile worked its way onto your face. "So be with me now because I like you too," you whispered. He shook his head, his blonde fringe swaying from side to side. "I can't because that wouldn't be fair on the girl." You huffed. "I know it's an idiot move but you never know what could happen. I might split up with her next week," he grinned, winking. You smirked and retorted with, "And maybe I won't like you next week." You didn't mean it but you loved the satisfaction you felt when his face fell. Sighing, he asked, "Just meet her at least. For me?" Rolling your eyes, you gave into his puppy dog look and agreed before shooing him playfully out. "Well he may not be with her next week, who knows," you spoke to yourself, trying to make yourself better. You didn't know Cal was outside and blushed a crimson red when he said, "No, maybe it'll be you I'm with."


"I have the best news in the world to tell you ever!" Ashton cried as he stormed into your house without even knocking. You giggled and wandered over to him, shutting your front door and asking, "Go on." Despite Ashton being annoying a small amount of the time, he always cheered you up, even if he only laughed. You were beginning to fall hopelessly in love with him. Your friend had found out about this crush last night when you gushed to her about him and you were in the midst of developing a plan to reveal your feelings to him for next week. "I," he began, holding his arms out in front of him dramatically, causing a laugh to erupt from you. "Have a girlfriend!" He finished off, jumping up and down and then proceeding to do a victory dance. "And she is so pretty and funny and sweet and kind and musically talented and I can't believe I got someone like her!" Your smile fell, as did your heart which began to ache. Ashton had a girlfriend? The guy you had fallen deeply, madly, truly in love with had a girlfriend? The realisation hit you like a ton of bricks, so much that you had to sit down. "Isn't that great?" He exclaimed, slightly out of breath. Not wanting to hurt him, or make him feel bad for going with his heart, you shot him your best smile, managing to get out joyfully, "So great!" Ash sensed that something was up and not wanting to delve into that situation you added quickly, "I totally have to meet her! She sounds amazing!" His smile grew even deeper and he tackled you in a hug, his curls tickling your cheek as he whispered, "I knew you'd be happy for me." Patting his back, you muttered, "Yeah, completely happy." Your voice was slightly dripping with sarcasm but he didn't seem to detect it. "I'm going out with her right now. In fact, she's in the car! Want to meet her?" You really didn't want to meet her but you didn't want to let Ash down. Luckily, before you could answer, your phone rang. Picking it up you found out it was one of those automated calls to get you to spend money on something stupid. You secretly hung up but pretended it was an important call and Ashton left, ruffling your hair before he did. Placing the phone down you let a few tears stream down your face sending your friend the disappointing message of, The plan's off.


Michael was round your house as he had something to tell you. His face was red with excitement and he was wearing the largest smile ever. You also had something to tell him; that you liked him and would love it if maybe he could join you on a date. You both wanted to say your piece first so you finally said, after much playful arguing, "How about we say it at the same time?" Mikey agreed and you each said what you needed to together, at the exact same time, both of you trailing off at the end when you heard what each other had to say. "I have a girlfriend!" "I have a crush on you!" Your face turned a crimson red and you wanted to curl into yourself and never come out again. You had just told Michael you had a crush on him and he has a girlfriend. You knew you shouldn't have said it. You knew you should have kept it a secret and just admired him in secret. Now your friendship could be over and the thought of that combined with the fact he had a girlfriend was enough to make your eyes fill with tears. "Oh, (Y/N) I'm so sorry. I-I had no idea," Michael said softly, a sympathetic smile coming your way. "No, it's fine. Things like this happen all the time," you explained, attempting to make light of the situation, not wanting Mikey to feel terrible. "I still feel bad though. If I knew you liked me I wouldn't have gotten a girlfriend," he said and then his eyes instantly widened and a hand flew over his mouth. Your heart skipped a beat and you looked up, your eyes shimmering with a new-found hope. "What do you mean?" You quizzed. "I like you too." You beamed. "But I'm with someone now. I'm sorry." Your face fell and you stared at the floor in silence as you heard him walk to the door. "Wait!" You called. He turned. "We're still friend, right?" You asked, worriedly. Even if you couldn't be his girlfriend you still wanted to be his friend. He nodded, a genuine smile on his face. "Of course we are. I need some time to think though. I'll text you tonight." And with that he walked out, leaving you to reflect on what had just happened.

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