Twenty two

188 5 1

Scott's POV

I called the hospital as soon as he fell conscious in my arms leaving me with a lot of questions. What was he about to say? What happened? Why did he faint? Was it my fault? And if it was, I could never forgive myself for this. This was killing me, I couldn't just wait in the waiting room alone with my thoughts, what was going on?! After a few minutes of desperation one of the doctors came out with a sad look on his face. This didn't look good. "W-what's wrong with hims doctor?"

"Well, he can barely speak properly, his body's weak and he was severe pain in his lung areas." He explained, "he has lung cancer."

"WHAT?!? No, you can't be serious! He.. He.." I said trying to make out words when it seemed nearly impossible. I couldn't be in this position again, I just couldn't. "Please tell me there's something you could do?"

"His cancer was very tiny for a long time it just kept spreading. All I can do is give him different treatments and wait what the results will be. I'm just as curious as you on what might happen to him."

I was losing it at this moment. "C-can I see him?" I sad as he just nodded. I went inside and saw a pale and tired looking Mitch. "Mitch,mare you okay?"

"Y-yes.." He said weakly. "I-it huurts." I sat right beside him and held his hand. He looked at me and smiled. 

"I'm sorry about all this, I didn't know. I mean if I only knew, I.. Well I would've told Alex a she would've take care of it, I wish we just knew in advance-"

"Scott, is okay. Don't worry about me,I'll be fine." His faith frightened me. His cancer was worse, and there was no stopping it. It just kept spreading, did he know This?

"You know you have lung cancer, right?" I said as his smile quickly faded.

"B-but, my lungs were fine just a few days ago.. I-I don't.. I don't understand, why now, I'm getting married!" He said covering his face with his hands. "I'm going to die. I'm going to die this time, I just know it!" He said as he started to cry.

"N-no, don't say that-"

"Scott, you know I will."

"We're not sure. The doctor is going to-"

"The doctor can't do anything about it and you know it. He'll probably just leave me here dying next to a bunch of pills with no progress."

"Mitch, save your voice, is not healthy." I said concerned. I was almost going to cry, Mitch wasn't helping me be strong about this one. I really wanted to be strong for him. I love him, I really really do.

"What for? I'll die anywa-"

"Mitch, no you won't! Shut up with that negativity! You're not making me feel any better about this, you can't do this to me, you know how much I care about you!" I said as he just sat there looking at me with watery eyes.

"I-I love you.." He said quivering his mouth before he started to cry. I pulled him in for a hug as he cried a little louder from the pain. "Ooww!"

"I-I'm sorry!" I said pulling away. "Mitch, just trust in me, okay? As long as you're alive I want to make you feel special." I said as he held my hand tighter.

"Scott, you already have.."


It has been a week since I first heard about my lung cancer. Yay, cancer. You're back! And stronger than ever, great. I hate this, I hate this disease. Why me again? What did I ever do? Why do I have to die and make other people suffer from my un-appearance. I don't want Scott to suffer, or Jackson, or Shelley or Kirstie or Kevin and Avi. They are my family. I can't make them worry like that again, maybe I shouldn't tell them. I mean, they'll find out eventually. And Jackson.. 

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