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I've always wanted to know what it feels like to live in New York. But from what I've heard everyone is independent as well as they always try to get what they want, like it would be almost a dream to live there if you have the money and the right attitude when everyone just kind of live their own way without a specific direction. Frankly, I really don't know what is like, so I just speak from experiences I've had in the past when I had visited Manhattan.

And I know that as soon as I get there, I'm going to have to get a job. I know it would be better if I just have a professional career like Jackson, because then I wouldn't have to waste my time with clients that complain because they don't get what they want or even have to worry about what they order. But getting a REAL job, like being a lawyer or a professional writer or singer takes much more work and I would just rather make a quick buck once in a while.

I don't really know Jackson, or what he does exactly, but I know that he makes Mitch happy and that's all that matters in life really; happiness. Something I don't have right now. Or will ever have unless Mitch calls me and tells me he loves me too. But we all know that won't happen because he's with Jackson and will soon be Mr. Smith. I know for a fact that he's really looking forward to that day because he hasn't stop tweeting about it.

"This Monday? Really?" Kirstie asked getting her car keys from the living room table and standing back up looking at me with worried eyes.

"Yes really."


"Well, I miss him. And I just want to see him that's all.." I said as she just rolled her eyes and walked out of the house. I followed her from behind and as we stopped by her car. "Kirstie..?"

"Well, I miss him too. And you've only been with him for two years while I have been with him since I started high school." she said turning her back on her car and facing me squinting her eyes and crossing her hands together because of the cold weather.

"I-it's different."

"Different how?" she asked with her eyes almost closed. She stepped closer to look at me better since the view was barely seeable because it was cloudy. "Is it different because you still have feelings for him?"

I looked down at my feet and place my hands inside my coat-pockets, "I-I don't know, maybe?"

"Is okay if you still do, just make sure to not show it while you're there. Mitch is really happy with Jackson." She said pressing her lips together at that last sentence.

"Like I don't know that.." I whispered as she smiled turning around to get inside her car as she soon began to drive to Avi's house. I walked my way to my house and hoped to sleep for a while to forget about Mitch for a while, but I see him even in my dreams. Every time I close my eyes he is all I see, it would be impossible to forget about him at this rate.

ScottyWyatt: Mitch, I'm afraid I can't go this Monday to New York.

GrassiAssMitch: What? Why?

ScottyWyatt: I just can't.

GrassiAssMitch: Stop it Scott, you'll get over it. Just come, I miss you :(

GrassiAssMitch: Scott?

GrassiAssMitch: Scott! tell me you'll come :,(

I couldn't answer anymore. I literally can't talk to him properly even in text. I know that something bad will happen if I go to New York, and I don't want to ruin Mitch's happiness. I just want to see him happy.


Mitch's POV

We were at the Airport and everything was out of order today. Tyler was supposed to Kitty-sit Wyatt while we were gone but he had to take a flight to do a collab video with his crush Troye. We also had a date planned for after our flight, but Jackson's editor told him they had to be done by tomorrow and so he's going to be working all day between today and tomorrow. And to top it all off Scott decided to cancel his flight for Monday God knows why!

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