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Mitch's POV

"What was that about?" She asked pointing at the door above her shoulder.

"Nothing." I said looking down at her,but acknowledging she looked pretty upset.

"Nothing? Mitch, did you tell him off?"

"What if I did?" I asked looking up at her who raised an eyebrow."sorry.."

"Mitch, there is something going on with you. Cancer can't be the reason you are acting like an idiot." She said looking at me with pity.

"Are you saying this because I broke up with you?" I asked throwing a slight smirk as she rolled her eyes looking back at me right away.

"No. I'm saying this because is true. Scott told me you said you were all going to die and that stuff."

"He was giving us false hopes! I'm tired of hearing the same things over and over again! Everything is going to be fine, and, you won't be gone if you have faith. Is all a lie Kirstie. Scott is a lier." I said getting mad. I didn't blame him though, he had hope for me. But it just gets tiring knowing that you will die no matter what and people just keep on telling you the same things because they don't know what you're really going through.

"Mitchy." She said pecking my cheek. "I have hope for you too. We all do."

"Once I die, you'll be going out with another guy, Kirstie. I know. That's why I broke up with you. That's why I'm such an idiot. I know I'll die, so what's the point."

"At least be nice to the kids, is not their fault you're going to die!"

"I know, I don't know why I said it though!" I said covering my eyes with shame. I really didn't mean to say that in front of Shelley and Shawn. At the moment I even forgot they were in the room. Like me and Scott were the only ones in the place. "It was his fault."

"No it wasn't."

"Whatever." I said sitting up from my bed and taking what she had given me. A plate of soup. Again. "Soup?"

"Sorry, I don't cook. I just serve." She said looking down at me as she made her way out of the room, "please, try to be nice to Scott. You hurt his feelings."

I hurt his feelings?



As soon as I got out of the room, I made my way to the balcony where I saw Scott looking out of this world, "why are you still here? Is 9:45pm, shouldn't you be at home?" I asked making him look down at me. I hadn't noticed how tall he actually was until now. But it didn't frighten me. Knowing that I will die of cancer, I don't think anything can scare me anyway. "What?" I asked since all he did was look at me and smile. What's his deal?

"You're cute."

"Excuse me?"

"You have a nice set of dimples. Is cute." He said as I touched my cheek feeling warmth in within them.

"W-what're you doing here?" I said putting my hand down right away.

"I wanted to stay." He said looking up at the moon still smiling.


"I don't know. I like it here." He sure didn't know what it truly feels like to be here having nothing else to do than feel bad about yourself and looking forward to death.

"You are so weird." I said walking back inside,

"Wait!" He said grabbing me before I could leave. "S-stay." I could feel his puppy eyes looking at me as he curled the bottom of his lips trying to look sad or something.

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