
355 14 12

June 9, 2012

In the previous years, I've learned so much. Lives come and go, but that doesn't mean your soul goes with them. As long as you're alive, you have to live to remember the things you did together. Scott stayed with me for two more years hoping I would survive this cancer, and he was right. There even came a time when my lungs gained enough strength to sing higher than I even thought I could. Now I can do the things I've always wanted to do. Sing, live, and be with Scott. Maybe even marry him.

Unfortunately, the center lost one life last week and today we were attending to the funeral of Shawn. His cancer was stronger than Shelley's, and hers was actually getting better as well.i wish I could've done something about it. I felt like I was in Scott's position with Shawn. Except that he was like my younger brother and I wouldn't flirt with him on the first day and then completely fuck him after waking up from a coma-

"Mitch, are you okay? You've been starring at the floor this whole time making weird faces. Are you drunk?" Avi whispered sitting next to me at the funeral.

"At 9:30 in the morning?"

"It could happen."

"No, I'm just thinking." I said as they suddenly all stood quiet when Scott was about to give a speech.

"Shawn Jones was one of my patients and a very kind and loyal kid. I met him at the age of 9 and ever since we've been so close. It hurt me to see him the way he's been lately. Now, I've experienced many things and learned new things too at this hospital. I was about to lose the most important person in my life, but I didn't. Things happen for a reason and I bet he's up there looking at us and saying hopefully good things." He said almost crying as he gave the microphone to Alex and sat to my left.

"Am I really the most important person in your life?" I asked looking up at him. He smiled and pecked my lips.

"Did I stutter?"

"Touché." I said pecking his lips again. And again. And yet, again.

"Woah, Mitchy's hungry." He said smiling as I kissed him one more time before looking up at Alex who appeared to have a few words himself.

"I...I have always thought of Shawn as my own son, and I know I'm too young for that, but I basically took care of him while their parents supported him. I was there with him at every point of his life. I got pretty upset that he left at the age of 11. He was catching up so much and-"

He said when suddenly his phone started to ring playing "Telephone" by lady GaGa.

"Y-yes?" He answered it trying not to cry, "um, I'm in the middle of something here mom,, I can't be there at 12!..wait, hold on.....yeah. I'll call you later, bye!"

Everyone just started at each other murmuring things.

He coughed twice before continuing, "like I was saying....wait, what was I saying? Oh, how much we will miss Shawn. The cute little angel that always made us smile." He said wrapping it up.


After the funeral, Scott showed me his friends from his high school. They looked like they were talking about something fun as we walked by. "Scott!" The girl said hugging him as the other dude hugged him from behind. "You've got so...well, you've changed since senior year that's for sure!"

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