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Scott's POV

I was so happy we finally became friends after all that we've been through. I didn't realize how much I missed him until he texted me back. Even if he said something rude and insensitive, it was still a nice feeling.

I didn't tell Alex about our conversation though, I didn't want him to think I still like him, and I had plans of going to New York to meet with Mitch while Alex wanted us to move to L.A. I love L.A, but I also wanted to see Mitch and I didn't know how to tell Alex without him getting disappointed.

So I bought him a box of pizza before telling him about my plans to move, I wanted him to relax before I could tell him. I just want him to be able to say yes. When he entered our dorm, he sniffed around the room and smiled when he saw me with the box on my hands while I winked at him.

"Aww, thanks babe!" He said walking my way and kissing me on the lips. He then pulled away and took a slice.

"Enjoying your pizza?"

"Mm hmm." He said smiling while eating his slice.

"Good good- canIgotoNewYork?!" I said hastily and quietly, but he didn't hear me. He just looked at me raising an eyebrow.

"What was that?"

"Can I....gotonewyork?" I said even quieter while scratching the back of my head.


"Can I go to New York?" I finally said clearly. He raised his eyebrow once again.

"Why? We're moving to L.A, remember?"

"I know, but...I just have to go to New York. I mean, I haven't been there since last Christmas. Please?"

"I've already bought a house in L.A Scott. I'm afraid I can't." He said finishing his slice. He held my hand and looked at me with concern. "I know you want to see Mitch again. But do you think is healthy for our relationship? I mean, you did have some strong feelings for each other."

"I promise Alex. I love you."

"But you loved him first." He said looking upset.

"But I love you now." I said putting my on his chin. "Alex, please. I just want to see if he's okay. Like a friend would look after another friend."

"Okay fine. I love you too Scott." He said as I kissed him and pulled away to eat a slice of pizza. I still feel bad for Alex, he had really fallen hard for me this time. And I'm not even sure that's the real reason why I want to go. Maybe I do still have feelings for Mitch, or maybe I have been all along but my stupid depression blinded me. And now I dragged Alex into my mess. I don't want to hurt Alex, he's been the best boyfriend ever, he deserves all the love in the world. Even if is just mine.

Mitch's POV

"How was dance practice?" Jackson asked looking I was literally sweating and dying from exhaustion.

"Nah, you know. It was just great, I mean, I don't look that bad." I said sarcastically.

"You never look bad." He said giggling making me roll my eyes.

"You're lucky you're hot Jackson."

"What if I wasn't?" He asked getting on top of me. I bit my lip and placed my hands on his arms.

"Then, I would've dumped your ass. I'm very picky."

"And sexy." He said kissing me on the lips very gently and slowly. I bit his lips hardly before he could pull away. "Ouch!"


"Just for that, I won't give you something I had for when you came back from practice."

"Oh yeah?"


"Yeah?" I repeated as he leaned in once again and licked my neck. I moaned slightly as I felt his teeth clenched hardly against my neck. "Jackie, aw!"

"That was payback." He said pulling away. He sat up from the bed and copied my position laying on his back. "So, umm.. Can you talk to me about Scott? I mean, all you said about him was that you two were a couple but that was it. Where did you two meet?"

The one question I didn't want to answer 

"Is it important? I mean, I have you now. And you make me happy, so why even bother asking?"

"I just want to know a little bit about your past. That's all." He said holding my hand and kissing it gently.

"Aww..agh, fine! Where do I even start?" I said thinking back at my past. I had realized I didn't tell him I used to have cancer. That was something I only shared with Scott outside of the hospital. But I love Jackson enough to tell him. "Well, I've been on the hospital for five years since I was 8 years old because I had cancer. Then when I was sixteen Scott came and I was being a jerk to him. Then, yada yada, we fell in love and started dating, blah blah blah, I almost died from a coma, but I survived. Then after a few months I was found negative."

"You're a cancer survivor?! Holy shit!" He said looking at me with a wide smile. "Wait, agh! So why aren't you doing something good with your life yet?"

"I already am. Spending it with you." I said kissing his cheek.

"You know that's not what I meant. But thanks Mitchy." He said smiling at me, "I mean like maybe starting a music career since you have such a beautiful voice already."

"You know, I think you're on to something."

"Of course I am." He said sitting up slapping my leg for me to get up to. "Let's go."

"Where?" I asked as he stood up and took out his phone.

"Don't you want to go to the park? You know, kill some calories-"

"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY? Did you hear I was at "Dance" "Practice."' I said making him giggle. "Jackie I love you, but I'm not going. I rather stay and watch Netflix."

"Then I'll stay with you." He said kissing me. "And we can have some fun later..." He whispered in my ear making me shiver.

"Mm, I like the sound of that."

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