What's It Gonna Be?

Start from the beginning

"We are!" Nick yelled.

"Hi Zola!" I smiled and held out my arms. Dr. Grey and I had become pretty close over the course of my pregnancy, I called her up a lot with questions about our baby, and sometimes I stopped by to say hi.

"Sorry, she likes when you guys come in and always wants to come see you." Dr. Grey smiled.

"That's perfectly fine, we just love little Zola!" I laughed as I tickled her.

"Alright kiddo, lay down."

"I know the drill." I smiled at her.

"Okay, thi-"

"This might be a little cold." I finished for her, laughing at her face when she glared at me.

"Well then, why don't you just share with us what your having, Ms. Know it all." she smirked.

"I don't know.... Is that the head?" I pointed at the screen.

"Yep, so let's move down here a little." she moved the thing on my belly slightly downwards.

"So I see a leg, and another leg, but nothing in between...." I wondered out loud.

"It's a girl?!" Nick pretty much jumped out of his skin.

"Yes, congratulations, it's a beautiful baby girl." Dr. Grey smiled at me and then decided to give Nick and I a moment to process it all.

"We're having a little girl..." I smiled to myself mostly.

"Oh no." glancing at Nick I realized he looked petrified, a knot began to form in my stomach.

"What?" the words were hard to choke out, I was scared that he realized he was about to be a dad and decided that's not what he wanted...

"I gotta buy a shot gun." the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes came down, and then I began to laugh hysterically. "Why are you crying?" Nick looked concerned, and I probably looked crazy.

"I thought you were going to decide you didn't want this anymore, but then you ju-" I was cut off when Nick gently grabbed my face in his hands and forced me to look at him.

"What would make you think that I would ever, ever, leave you and my daughter. I wouldn't do it in a million years Cutie. You two gals are the most important thing in my life, and you always will be. I know our story wasn't the usual, or the most romantic love story, but it works with us." Nick had me crying a river now with all his sweet words, and in all honesty, I would've jumped his bones had we not been in a doctors office.

"I guess I just thought that you would find something better to invest your time in." I was slightly ashamed at what I had just said, but it was what I truly felt.

"Nothing in the whole world is better than this. I know it's my fault for making you think that I wouldn't stick around with my whole list of girls and my track record, but I want you to trust me." before I could reply Nick swept me up into his arms and kissed me passionately, and I know this is corny, but that kiss made me weak in the knees. If he would've let me go, I would've fallen to the floor.

I wanted to ask Nick a question that had been nagging in the back of my mind for a couple weeks, but I could never bring myself to ask it, in fear of the answer. When I finally found the courage to ask, Dr. Grey came in the door, and all my courage went out the window.

"So, are you guys going to buy baby stuff after this?" she smiled at us, noticing how happy Nick was.

"Perfect idea! Let's go!" Nick almost shot out the door but I stopped him, needing to ask Dr. Grey an important question.

"Dr. Grey, I know you said I should feel the baby kicking by about 22 weeks along, but I haven't felt a thing yet, should I be concerned?"

"No honey, the ultrasound shows that everything is fine, your baby is just lazy that's all." Dr. Grey joked, "But, if you don't feel her moving withing the next two weeks, come see me okay?"

"Alright, well, let me know if your free for lunch soon and you and I and Zola can go out." I hugged her and Zola before walking out to Nick who couldn't wait to go to the nearest baby store.


"Nick! If you buy one more outfit I will kill you! We'll get enough clothes at the baby shower!" Nick was buying everything in the store that said anything along the lines of 'Daddy's Girl' or 'I Love Dad' he even went as far as grabbing one that said, 'Sorry Boys, Daddy Says I'm Off Limits'. We also bought a stroller, crib, paint, mattress for the crib, sheets for the crib, baby monitors, changing table, diapers, wipes, stuff for bath time, a car seat, bottles, pretty much anything the baby would need until she turned one. Possibly even two. The price on everything combined was pretty hefty, but Nick started working for his dad's friend doing highway, bridge, and street construction. Seeing as he really needed Nick's help with some big projects he payed Nick way better than he should have, Nick was making almost $15 an hour, which was fantastic for a high school kid. I tried looking for a job but no one wanted to hire a pregnant teen. I was taking a class though so I could work as a CNA right out of high school and help support our family.

"Just one more thing! This is perfect!" the onesie he grabbed read 'I'm as Beautiful as my Mommy'. My lips twitched into a smile, and then it almost felt like I was popping popcorn in my stomach.

"Nick! The baby just kicked!" my smile was huge and Nick looked excited.

"Oh my gosh! That's amazing...." Nick kneeled down and came face to face with our baby, "Hey little girl, you finally decided to move around! I can't wait until you come out, you'll be so tiny and beautiful. Just like your mommy. I wouldn't change any of this for the world, your mom is the best thing that ever happened to me." I could tell that Nick's words were having a big effect on the baby because she went wild kicking.

"Nick," I waited until he looked up at me, "I love you." tears formed in my eyes and Nick just wiped them away with his thumb.

"I love you too Cutie."

***OHEMGEE. It has been forever! Too long, but writers block is hell. Some of you might think this story is moving way too fast. But trust me, it's nowhere near finished. Comment, like, vote, the usual. And I know most people don't read authors notes but if any one has baby names, comment. Throw them out there. We need a name for the little daddy's girl.(: You guys are great, and I know the story not being as popular as the last is my fault because I suck at updating. Have a great weekend guys and gals!***

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