Birth Marks and Lemon Drops

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I've just sat down to eat my breakfast when a boy, probably around my age, taps me on the shoulder. I turn to face him and he begins to tremble nervously. I guess he didn't get the message that in not evil.

"Are you Vanessa Rid-" He starts, stuttering.

"Redwood." I correct, giving him a warm smile.

"Right." He seems to relax. "This is for you."

He hands me a rolled up bit of parchment and hurries away from me, sitting down at the Hufflepuff table. I shrug and unroll the slip of parchment to find a note written in large swooping letters. I see Fred looking over my shoulder but ignore him as I read my second note from Dumbledore.

Miss Redwood,
I assume that by now you have had time to collect your thoughts, and have most likely come up with a fair amount of new questions for me. If you would like, you may come to my office after you have finished eating so that we may continue our discussion.
P.s. I am rather fond of lemon drops.

When I've finished reading, I look up to the head of the great hall where Dumbledore, along with the teachers and heads of houses, is sitting.

"Are you going to go, then?" Fred asks, snickering under his breath as I jump at the sudden sound of his voice. I elbow him under the table.

"Yeah, of course I'm going. I have a lot of questions. The real question is, do you want to come with me?" I ask.

"If you want me to." Fred shrugs, pecking me on the lips.

"Okay, you're coming." I say, making Fred laugh.

When we finish breakfast, Fred and I say goodbye to the rest of our friends, after explaining the situation, and head to Dumbledore's office. We reach the stone gargoyle within minutes, and I pull out my note, looking for the password that I've already forgotten. I find it in a matter of seconds and turn back to the gargoyle.

"Lemon drops." I say confidently.

The statue swings aside to reveal a large spiral staircase.

"That is brilliant!" Fred exclaims excitedly, never having been to see Dumbledore before. I smile and guide him up the stairs to the large wooden door.

"I want to knock." Fred says.

"I forgot you were so childish. You've been so mature lately." I say with a laugh.

"I'll have to fix that now won't I?" Fred smirks.

"Whatever. Knock." I say, rolling my eyes.

"You love me." Fred says before knocking incredibly loudly.

"Could you knock any louder? I don't think Snape heard you in the dungeons." I laugh.

"Come in." We hear from the other side of the door. I put a finger to my lips and open the door.

"Ah Miss Redwood, Mr. Weasley. Have a seat." Dumbledore says with a kind smile. "I thought I might see you today, Mr. Weasley."

Fred nods mutely and we sit down.

"I called you here so that I could answer some of your questions, so you may ask away." The headmaster says.

"Alright." I say uncertainly. I got a lecture before anything productive happened last time. "Em... The main thing I've been wondering is... Why do I really make Harry's scar hurt? He got it when my dad tried to kill him," There's a sentence I never thought I'd say... "What does that have to do with me? I mean I know I'm his daughter but how am I connected?"

"Well that is a difficult question, but I will answer to the best of my ability." Dumbledore says. "The answer may be just as simple as you having your father's blood, but I believe it to be more complex than that. When your father broke into the Potter's house with the intention of killing Harry, you were a toddler. I know for a fact that you liked to follow your father around at that age, though he often caught you and sent you home, having no time for you. This was the time that I was watching you, well I had someone watching you. I was dealing with... Something else. Anyway, my point is that I believe it could be possible that you were there that night, in the Potter's house. It sounds mad, and I have no evidence that shows you were actually present on that horrible night, this is just my theory. Though it would certainly explain your connection to Harry and his scar."

Dumbledore turns back to me to see the shock and fear on my face and tries to explain again that there is no evidence, but I shake my head and pull up the sleeve of my robes to reveal a small marking the inside of my right wrist that resembles a deformed lightning bolt.

"I thought it was a birthmark."

AN: Ooh dramatic ending. What do you think? Sorry I haven't updated for a while... Again. I had writer's block... Again. Anyway I have the next few chapters planned out and guess what guys!! Only two more chapters until this book comes to an end! *gasp* Don't worry though, I have three more books planned. The next one is going to be called DRUMROLL.... 'Daddy's Little Girl' and the first chapter will be published on May 26th! *Evil Laugh* Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter, remember to vote and comment. Don't be a silent reader!... Please?

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