Charms Class

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When I wake, I head straight to the bathroom to take a quick shower before hurriedly dressing in my long, flowing school robes. When I exit the dorm washroom, I meet up with Lani and McKenna, and the three of us link arms and head to the great hall, talking casually about schoolwork, and teachers, and more importantly, food.

When we get to the great hall, we sit at our house table, McKenna and Lani on either side of me. I eagerly get a bowl of apple cinnamon oatmeal, my favorite muggle breakfast food, and add some milk from my cup to it, stirring it. McKenna looks into my bowl.

"That looks awful." She says, scrunching up her nose.

"So do you." I mutter, causing us all to break into fits of giggles, which earns us some strange stares from the rest of the table, but we don't care. That's the great thing about having crazy friends, you learn to just enjoy each other's company and not be bothered by what everyone else is doing.

After breakfast, the twins, Lani, McKenna, Lee, and I make our way to Professor Flitwick's classroom for charms. Lani and McKenna sit on either side of me like they did at breakfast.

I pull out my enchanted notebook, that never runs out of writing room, and my favorite quill and prepare to take notes. Charms is definitely my favorite class, though I'm best at potions... Snape ruined that class for me.

When the classroom is finally filled with sixth year Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs, Professor Flitwick climbs onto his stool, and class begins.

"Today you will be learning a charm that can change skin and hair color. Now, this charm is most useful when you need to blend in with your surroundings. To camouflage yourself using this charm, you need only stand in front of a tree or a wall or whatever you wish to blend into, and use the spell, 'Colovaria.'" Flitwick says brightly, his light voice echoing in the large classroom. "Today however, you will not be camouflaging yourselves, but simply changing the skin color of enchanted dummies. This will only turn the dummies 'skin' different colors. We will later work up to camouflage and disguises. You may begin when you are ready."

Once I've finished taking notes, I pick up my wand and stand as several enchanted dummies begin to wander around the room.

"Colovaria!" I am the first of the class to attempt the charm, though the dummy in front of me only turns an extremely light shade of yellow. It's a start, at least.

The sound of students exclaiming 'Colovaria' soon fills the air, and I attempt to change the color of a dummy once again, this time successfully turning a dummy forest green.

I suddenly get an idea and stand. I point my wand at Fred, even though I'm not supposed to. "Colovaria!" I say, turning his skin a deep red color that clashes magnificently with his orange hair.

"Oi! Not cool!" Fred yells, looking at his red skin. "Colovaria" he points his wand at me and I turn a shiny gold color. I gasp at my skin, but point my wand at Lani now. "Colovaria!" She turns a deep ocean blue color. Pretty soon, our whole group is pointing their wands at each other, using the charm.

George uses the charm on me, and swirls of deep purple begin to mix in with my already gold skin. Professor Flitwick clears his throat and we all stop and see that everyone is staring at us.

Professor Flitwick takes five points from Gryffindor for the disruption, and ten for performing the charm on each other, instead of the enchanted dummies. But I can't help thinking that it was worth it. That was loads of fun.

After class, we walk together through the halls, looking like we just went swimming in a rainbow. Fred and George, Lee, Lani, McKenna and head down to the dungeons for Potions once again. Lani, McKenna and I link arms as we did this morning, and we are still colorful when we take our seats.

"Drawing attention to ourselves are we?" Snape asks us.

"Not on purpose sir, mishap in charms class." McKenna says, stifling a laugh.

"I see." Snape says before muttering "finite incantatem" and pointing his wand at us. Our skin color returns to normal. "You had better not come in here looking like that again."

Snape scowls at us, McKenna in particular, before flouncing off to his desk once again.

"He's going to hate you forever now." I say to McKenna, she groans and nods her head, though there's a slight smile on her face.

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