Tournament Champions

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I wake up, filled with excitement. Today we get to find out who will be in the tri wizard tournament. I hurriedly get dressed and ready for the day before running down the stairs to the common room.

"Excited Van?" Fred, who is seated in one of the plush chairs next to the fire, asks.

"Yes... don't call me Van." I say, my level of excitement somewhat lower.

"Okay, Van." He replies with a smirk.

I glare at him for a moment, but then turn my attention to George who is complaining about how their plan to enter the tournament failed.

"Did you ever really think it would work?" I ask him.

"I hoped it would." George answers glumly.

"Well at least you get to watch. Now come on guys, breakfast is starting." I say, grabbing their arms and pulling them out of the portrait hole with me, Lee follows.

We eat breakfast quickly and then head to Charms class, we have to make it through the school day before the choosing will take place at dinner tonight. Once class starts, we begin to practice a charm that makes you sing uncontrollably.

"Would anyone like to be a demonstration?" Professor Flitwick asks.

It's a strange question, and no one raises their hand. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Professor Flitwick decides to choose a student at random.

"You, Miss Redwood, would you please stand up?" He asks. Of course he chose me...

I shake my head aggressively, and he is about to choose someone else when Fred and George lift me to my feet. I glare at them.

"Very good, thank you." Flitwick says, "Cortis!"

I immediately start singing the first song that comes to mind.

"I see the whole world in your eyes it's like I've known you my whole life
you just feel so right
I pour my heart into your hands
it's like you really understand
and love the way I am
It feels like I've opened my eyes again,
and the colors are golden and bright again. The sun paints the skies and the wind sings her song.
It's a better place since you came along,
It's a better place since you came along."

"Finite Incantatum!" Professor Flitwick says after a while.

"Thank Merlin!" I say, sitting back down. I stare at my feet. The whole class just heard me sing...

"What song was that? I've never heard it before." George asks.

"Em... It's a muggle song, one of my favorites." I say, not looking up.

"Well that was very good. I've never heard you sing before." Fred says. George smiles and nods.

"That's because I don't like singing in front of people." I say, punching them both on the shoulder, they don't seem to mind.

We practice the charm on enchanted dummies until class is over. We have Potions next, so we head down to the dungeons and find Lani and McKenna there. George sits next to McKenna, who blushes and bats her eyes, and to think that she talks to ME about obvious flirting... Lee sits next to Lani and I sit with Lee on my left and Fred on my right.

"Today we will be making a rather complex herbal draft, so you will be working in partners." Snape says, causing the room to break out in excited whispers until he speaks again, "Don't get too excited, I will be assigning partners."

Snape walks through the rows of desks, assigning partners.

"Miss Riot, you will be with Mr. Weasley. Miss Davidson with Mr. Jordon, Miss Redwood with the other Mr. Weasley." Snape goes on like this, giving everyone a partner.

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