1. Discovery and Wake

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#Disclaimer: I do now own Naruto

"Normal speech"

"Demon/Corrupted speech"

'Normal thoughts'

'Demon/Corrupted thoughts'

Chapter 1: Discovery And Wake

"Why would you help a demon? It killed your parents didn't it? It only thinks about itself, how it can get stronger, how it can get revenge" Mizuki said while he looked at Iruka lay bleeding on the forest floor.

Naruto was behind a tree at the tree line, trying to stay as quiet as possible. He still couldn't fathom what Mizuki-sensei had said. 'I am the fox? I'm the Kyuubi no Yoko? I can't be... can I?' It made more and more sense when he thought about it. That was why all the villagers hated him. That was why no one cared for him. That was why he didn't have parents.

"You are right. That's how the fox it" Iruka said. Naruto tried hard not to cry out loud. Even Iruka agreed. The only person other than the Sandaime Hokage who actually cared for him, the one he thought was like a father, or maybe a brother, thought he was a demon.

"But that is not how Uzumaki Naruto is! He is one of the most caring persons I know, and he just wants to be acknowledged! He may have that damned fox sealed inside him, but that doesn't make him the fox, more than a sealing scroll makes it what is sealed inside it! He is my student, and more than that, he is a person I care a great deal about! He is like family to me! I won't let you hurt him!"

Naruto was smiling. And not just a little smile; it was an ear to ear, sun shining out of your mouth; your chin is hurting smile. He had someone who thought him as family! Then his face turned serious. Iruka-sensei, his big brother figure, his precious person, was going to get hurt!

Naruto ran out from his hiding spot, just to see Mizuki throw his fuma shuriken. Naruto ran as fast as he could, but he wasn't fast enough. He could see it get closer and closer to Iruka-sensei. Naruto ran and ran, but he wasn't fast enough. It was 3 meters from Iruka now. He wouldn't make it. He wasn't fast enough to protect the first person to really acknowledge him. "NO!" Naruto yelled with all his might, his arm reaching out for Iruka.

The earth began to quake, and a big cluster of pink crystals grew out of the ground, blocking the shuriken. That left two Academy instructors and student speechless and stunned. Naruto snapped out of it first, turning to face Mizuki with the most serious look he had ever given. He pointed at him "I won't let you hurt Iruka-sensei. Not now, not ever!"

He put his hand in front of him, weaving a hand seal crossing his index- and middle fingers "Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu". A big cloud of smoke exploded in the forest. When the smoke cleared, Mizuki and Iruka couldn't believe what they were seeing. Over a thousand orange clothed Naruto's were standing in the clearing and the surrounding trees. As one they charged towards Mizuki. "Not now, not ever!"

Screams could be heard all over Konoha, as the former Konoha-nin was beaten by a twelve year old academy student.

- Two minutes later -

"Sorry Iruka-sensei, I think I may have gone a bit overboard" the blonde said with his trademark smile, while scratching the back of his head.

Iruka stood dumb folded staring at Naruto. He turned it into a smile "I think I can overlook it this once". He turned his head to look at the discolored formation of meat that was lying on the forest floor. He then turned his gaze a bit to look at the big crystal-formation what was that. He turned his gaze back on Naruto, who was still grinning. "Close your eyes Naruto"

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