chapter 15-I love you.

Start from the beginning

"I wanna see the beautiful world"

"You have seen it"

Then I didn't speak again, my mouth is too tired.

"Want anything?"Niall asked "Ah,yeah could you buy me lays"

"But its expensive"

"Please"I said,with puppy eyes
"Okay"he gave up,he stood up kissed my cheeks first and went out, why does Niall make me feel things I can't excplain,do I like him?

No you love him

"What no,did I ask you?"

Well you were asking

"You're right"

Haha,as I was saying, thats a sign of 'love' .

"What?!,hell no,I dont even no if I like him."

Its if you dont think it is,ita in your heart.

"So what you're saying is,I love him"


What the hell,Why do I love Niall James freaking Horan?.

I already told you.

"Oh could you shut up"

I laughed a little.


I was buying Ari,lays when I saw Vic and a person,I quickly paid for the food and turned invisible and walked beside them.

"We should kill her"Vic considered "I know but how?"the mystery person said.

"Why me,you're the boss,you are the criminal mastermind"Vic said and walked away.

I better take good care Ari,keep her safe,and say I lo--Niall what the heck,dont even think so.

What was that ,I lo-- what?

"I lo--,umm I lock vitamins"

Uhuh really you are lying.

"Am not,am from heaven"

I can see it in your eyes.

I didn't speak or what kind of term it is.

I went back to Ariana's hospital room,but I didnt see her!

"ARI!"I searched for her but no sign "Yeah"she went out the bath room.


"Why are you shouting?"

"Cause,I brought you your lays"

"Thanks Niall"she said and kissed my cheeks and took the lays what is this thing im feeling around Ariana,I always feel it

I told you its love!.

"It's not!"

Dont you shout at me


Good,now thats a sign of love,if I hear you say,I love you ill bring you back here to heaven.


Why is he so grumpy.

What did ye say.


Im afraid ill go back up there,cause I like it down here,its fun here,not that heaven bores me,it doesnt it is peaceful up there, and down here it is not

Wanna go back?.


Then people here are so,nice not like Vic people,then Ariana the most pretiest girl in the world.

What did ye say

"I didnt say the word,I only said prettiest girl in the world."

But its a sign of love.

"But did I say the I   L    Y   word?"


Man so as I was saying,people like Ariana,are humble, friendly,and always smiling.

I went to the comfort room to do my buiz,and think.

"What if I dont finish my mission in time?".

You will go back here.

"But,what if I dont wanna be an Arch Angel anymore?"

You ask our heavenly father.

"Heavenly father,what if I dont want to be an Arch angel anymore"

"Well you can,but you cant go back to be an Arch angel anymore,buy you can only change in your 'birthday'."

"But my birthday is on December 31"

"Well,its the date of the end of your mission".

Then I went out and Ariana is gone,her dextrose is there but her not here!,Oh no my mission is ending.

Hey guys,defender is almost near to the end,im sorry I cant do sequels but,if you want me to,just comment.





~Rae Marie

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