♫ Chapter 2: Horrible First Impressions

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Yeah... So unfortunately I had to delete this chapter because it was duplicated... So I have to rewrite it and it might not be exactly the same. But I changed it so it suited to me.

Picture is of Joon Seo Yeon played by Girl's Generation's Seo Hyun. She is really pretty!!

Everything about the SM building and stuff is completely made up from my imagination, haha, I have no idea




I woke up to my screaming alarm and what struck me was that I has been accepted to SM family, or was it all a wonderful dream? That I had dreamt up the whole scenario of getting into SM Entertainment. If it was all just a dream then I have an incredible imagination. My hand groped the bedside table for the confirmation letter that I had been accepted into SM Town. When my hand touched something papery I sighed with relief. I picked up the letter which said in bold letters, 'you have been accepted!'

My hand groped the bedside table once again until I felt cold plastic underneath my hand. Snuggling back into my sheets the brightness of the iPhone screen burned my eyes as I tried to find my mother's contact. I pressed loudspeaker as the phone begun to ring.

"Yeobuseyo (hello)? Omo, Seo Yeon ah? Is that you?" my mother gasped in surprise and I could hear her voice wobbling, "I've missed you so much, did you get over there safely? Of course you did, you're talking to me right now. How is the big city? Omo, the audition was yesterday wasn't it? How was that?"

"Umma (mum), calm down. I miss you very much and I have some good news for you. I've been accepted to SM entertainment," my voice was still raspy but it still contained elements of excitement.

"My darling girl, I knew you'd do well. How are you fairing so far?" she asked eagerly.

"Good, mum, I haven't been here for very long yet so don't worry about me too much," I whispered gently to reassure her that I was fine.

"I'll put in a deposit of three hundred thousand won into your bank account at the end of every week but I hope you'll be able to earn your own living soon," she said.

"Ne (yes), I have to get ready for school now. I'll call you again, okay?" I said.

"Kure (alright), I'll talk to you later," that's the last thing she said before the she hung up.

I tore the white sheets from my body and before my body could register the cold, I jumped into the shower. The hot water soothed my muscles and the rapid fire of the water jolted me wide awake.

I dressed myself in my washed-out pink denim shorts which hung above my hips and my white blouse decorated with embroided black flowers. I applied some black mascara and added pink gloss to my lush lips. On the way to the door I quickly slipped my small, narrow feet into my plain white pumps and grabbed my light pink handbag.

There it was. The SM Entertainment building standing tall in the middle of the bustling city. It had several floors of which I had researched in total there were twenty floors not all which I could name.

The first floor was management, about three floors consist entirely of dance studios and four floors for backdrops for music videos. Another three floors were recording rooms, three floors were used as dorms for boarding trainees and two floors were like hotel rooms for celebrities stopping by. Two floors were for editing and sound processing, all the technical stuff. The other three floors were probably for storage or something like that but it was just a guess.

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