Part 17

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Selena began to cross the room with an angry look on her face. When she reached me, she slapped me so hard I was seeing stars. "What were you doing with her?" Selena yelled.

"Beth? Nothing! I swear! We kissed, that's it," I said.

"Yeah, right. Justin, she's not even hot! Why would you go for her when you had me? Do you think that just because you could disappear into this world that you could cheat on me?" Selena shrieked. I saw Beth get smaller in her seat.

I looked into Beth's blue eyes. "At least Beth's not a whore, like you!" I yelled back.

The great hall gasped. Selena screamed and barreled me onto the table. We went tumbling over, knocking over all the dishes and food. We fell onto the floor, Selena on top. She began to slap me furiously, but then I pushed her off me and into the table's bench. As I began to run away, she screamed even louder than before, jumped up, and grabbed the back of my robes, sending me flying back onto the ground. She stood up and began to kick me in the stomach furiously.

I grabbed her ankle and tripped her. In order to defend myself, I bit her ankle so hard she shrieked. She rebounded and pushed me onto the floor again, punching me so hard I was sure I broke my nose.

Just then, someone pulled Selena off of me. "Who could it be?" I think. Dumbledore? Hagrid? Snape.

But no.

Gretchen was dangling Selena high in the air.

"BOO YOU WHORE," Gretchen yelled, before hurtling Selena across the Great Hall.

What. The. Hell.

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