Part 7

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Also, I added to my profile. You should go check it out.


So after much disputing over whether unicorns or pegasi were better, we went flying off on our magical horses. Apparently, we had to go to Mount Olympus to confirm with Poseidon that I'm alive. And that confuses me, because I'm like, Justin Bieber. Everyone knows who the hell I am.

I also discovered today that New York is a long ways away from England, but not when you're riding a unicorn. It took us about 10 minutes to make the journey, but things got awkward when we tried to bring the horses into the Empire State Building. We had to tie them up outside, because to the general public they just looked like horses.

When we got into the elevator, Percy hit the button that had a funky symbol on it. The elevator shot up so fast that I peed my pants. When the door opened, I thought I was dead. Mount Olympus was bigger than Hagrid.

Percy and Annabeth started to cross a bridge that lead to the castle, so I figured I should follow. When we were done crossing the bridge, I opened my mouth and asked, "So what exactly are we doing here?"

At the sound of my voice, all of the nymphs that were running around the castle looked at me and ran into hiding. One of them pointed at me, said, "It'" and then fainted. Percy rolled his eyes, grabbed my arms, and led me up the castle's steps.

Inside, all the gods were yelling at each other. It's too bad they were, because it distracted from the awesomeness of their pimped out throne room. Some middle-aged guy was pointing a trident at some guy with a lightning bolt, and some hot chick looked like she was going to kill a woman in a peacock dress.

"HEY!" Percy yelled. All of the Gods stopped bickering at once to look at him.

The trident dude put his weapon down. "Percy! Have you completed your quest?"

Percy pointed at me and said, "You couldn't have done better?"

I was done being made fun of. I turned to Percy and punched him in the jaw. All the Gods gasped as Percy fell backwards and grabbed his face.

"Are you sure he's not my kid?" a god with firey eyes said.

"What the hell was that for?" Percy yelled.

"You're being a jerk!" I yelled back.

"Boys, please stop," said a smart-looking woman with gray eyes.

The trident dude sat back in his throne and buried his face into his hands. "That's my son? I thought I screwed up with the cyclops, but this boy is a disgrace to humanity and gods alike."

The smart lady patted his back. "There, there. He's not so bad, Poseidon."

So the trident guy was Poseidon. Poseidon looked up with watery eyes and said, "You saw him at Hogwarts! The most he managed to do was inflate his pants! He's got his own nail polish line, for crying out loud. How is this kid a demigod of the Big Three?"

"We had doubts about other demigods," the godess pointed out.

"Take him to Chiron. I doubt he's even able to pick up a sword and not kill something with it," Poseidon said, getting up and walking away.

The gods turned and looked at me with angry looks. "Hey," I offered a meager wave.

You're a Wizard, Justin: Round TwoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin