Part either 4 or 5 I'm too blonde to remember

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I haven't posted in 22 days. I am a slackerrrrrrr.


Mark had to take Jme to the Gryffindor Boy Prefect in order to reverse the spanish spell. Ashamed of himself and trying to hide from Gretchen, I hid unter Mark's jacket on the walk back.

Beth was still unconcious on the seat. When a Mark's first year brother walked in to ask him for some galleons, he just stared at Beth while Mark got some money and I sat awkwardly in silence on the chair.

About 15 minutes later, Beth woke up in a daze. Her eyes were squinted and her face bore a retarded looking smile. "I feel so high..." she began to say.

"See? That's how Sex Panther works," Mark said.

Beth straightened up and punched Mark in the face. "You're sick, you know that?" she yelled.

Suddenly, an idea hit me. "You guys, you know what?" I amost shrieked.

"What?" they said simultaneously.

"If you combined Snape and Apple, you get Snapple!" I exclaimed.

"Justin, that's an incredibly nasty thought that's now burned into my permanent memory. Now I can't drink Snapple without the thought of Snape screwing an apple and that being the result," Beth said.

"Women these days," Mark muttered.

After Mark recieved a decent beating for his sexist comment, I sat there reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Read it or I will sent Voldie to your house to shove it down your throat.


The whole train shook from the impact. The lights blacked out and the sky went completely dark. People were screaming comments about the Dark Lord, but this felt different. The aura of the bald cactus guy wasn't floating through the train. Several people were out in the hallway trying to figure out what was going on.

Suddenly, two figures crashed through the train. Everyone screamed. They arose to reveal a boy with black hair and green eyes and a girl with long blonde hair and gray eyes.

"I'm looking for Justin Bieber," the boy said.

"Crap. Everytime something comes looking for him, someone ends up dead, injured, or maimed. What is it now?" Malfoy complained.

"You need to come with us," the girl said.

"Oh no, I've gotta go with them! Which one of you idiots is dying tonight?" I yelled.

"Justin, this isn't a joke," he said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He looked at me with a smile. "My name is Percy Jackson. And you're my half brother."


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