-Note to Readers-

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Okay, this isn't an actual update (coming in a few days, I'm working on it, I promise) but this will clear up a lot of things for fans:

1. I DO like Justin Bieber. I am a devoted Belieber, and whatever Justin sets out to do in real life, I will support him. I own his book, have seen his movie, and know vast trivia on Mr. Bieber, which helps me write this book.

2. I DO like Harry Potter. As a matter of fact, I am watching Order of the Phoenix right now. I HP roleplay, have HP merchandise, and use spells as a replacement for swear words. At the beginning of You're a Wizard, Justin (YAWJ), I have a disclaimer at the top that says I respect J.K. Rowling and Mr. Potter.

3. I created this book because I thought it would be funny. The bad things that happen to Justin are simply imagined and I would never want them to happen to him in real life. Now, whether you are a Belieber or an absolute Justin hater, you have both found this book interesting (hopefully funny), therefore you shouldn't leave hateful comments to me. I've heard things like, "OMG! Justin and Harry Potter should never be combined! This is horrible!" or "I can't stand you for making this book about Justin!" 

If you don't like it, no one made you read it. I have many fans who do like the book, so you can shut up and just go read something else. There are things I don't like on Wattpad, but I don't go around trolling on it.

4. I know I haven't been updating much lately. I'm only a freshman in high school, and am taking AP Courses as well as being in afterschool dance, the drama club, spanish club, and a Broadway dance project. I plan on getting out one update every seven days (or one update a week), so hang in there for me. 

5. I'd really like to thank Mysterydude for everything she's done for me. Without her, there would be no YAWJ. She's come up with a lot of ideas, and I just put them down on paper (more like HTML coding). She's a fantastic person, and if you troll on her books like people have done on YAWJ, I will make sure to publicly humiliate you in front of everyone who reads YAWJ. And a LOT of people read it.



P.S. Gale sucks. Katniss belongs with Peeta.

P.P.S.S. If you didn't understand that, go read the Hunger Games. It's the best stuff you will EVER EVER EVER read.

You're a Wizard, Justin: Round TwoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora