It all comes out

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Haii guys it's me yknow the author of the story, well I need a big favor kk. Can you help me get more reads and comments Id really appreciate it.


Skipping to that night

After me and the girls left the studio we went out for milkshakes.

"So where did you go last night?" Qariah asked playing around with her straw

"Who me"

"Well duh you said you went somewhere last night but when we left yesterday you were with Khalil." Nae added

"Last night i couldn't sleep so i went for a walk"

"Did he go with you?"

"No he went to his hotel room"

"Oh..... But where did you go you couldn't have just walked around"

"I went to mc.Donalds" I said drinking my shake

"And you didn't bring me back anything?"

"I talked to Ariana"

"Grande" nae asked

"Naw nae Ariana grenade" Qariah said sarcastically

"What did y'all talk about?" Nae asked

"Nothing much she just introduced herself"


"Yea" it was only around 11:30 and we were starving the guys had late night rehearsal after we finished at the studio so we went to la Madeline to get some food.

When the waiter came to take our order i swear It looked like he couldn't breathe in the shorts he had on they were just that tight and it didn't make it any better that he was trying to flirt .

"Do y'all not see how tight that dudes pants are?" I asked laughing quietly

"It dosent even look like he can breathe in those" nae said

"He's nice tho" Qariah added

"I can see his dick Qariah what's so nice about that?"

She busted out laughing


"I think he's gay nae what do you think" I asked

"Let's ask"

When the waiter came back with our food nae stopped him

"Hey dude" she said

"Wassup" he smiled

"Are you gay?"

Me and Qariah couldn't help but laugh at her straight forward attitude

he laughed along

"Naw" he said laughing "why do you ask?"

"Oh I don't know it's just your shorts are like skin tight" she said

"No there not"

"Dude I can see your baby carrot" I said

"It's ok tho because your really sweet so if you are gay it wouldn't matter, we aren't homophobic." Qariah said

"Ladies im not gay"

"Ok" nae said looking at her food and starting to eat

"Have a nice night" he said walking away

The other side~(Mindless behavior love story)Where stories live. Discover now