just beggining

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when i woke up i was in a different bed. It most deffinetly wasnt mines. I got up to look for my phone, but it wasnt there. I was about to panick . Where could i have left my phone? I got up and tripped over my own feet while i was hurrying to the door.

"Look who finnally woke up" Roc said handing me a plate full of food.

"Ha ha very funny. Have you guys seen my phone?"

"Nae put it up here" qariah said taking it off the small center table.

"thanks" I said taking it " Wheres roshon?"

" is he the first thing you think about in the morning?"

"No the first thing i thought about was where am i? Then wheres my phone? Then wheres roshon? So really he was the third thing on my mind" I said getting on twitter.

" He went to rehearsal "

"then why arent you there?"

"We didnt have to be there. it was only certain people on the tour"

"Cool" i said still focusing on my phone

When i was finished eating i got a phone call from a number i had never seen before. Qariah and roc were in there own conversation so i walked onto the little balconey.

[Phone convo]


"yes may i speak to laytoya Stevenson"

"Yes this is me"

" Hi good morning its nice to finnally speak to you." the person said

"Im pretty sure it would be nice to talk to you to if i knew who this was" I said a little jokingly

"oh escuse me how rude. My name is keisha gamble. From interscope and streamline."

" Yes im sorry You can call me Toy, Its very nice to actually talk to you. Ive heard alot about you"

" You to. I was calling to inform you that we were hopeing that you could meet up with the boys and get settled in."

" Oh we already met with the boys yesterday so im sure that wont be a problem"

"Oh that's great . I guess will see you girls in a few days. Be good and watch over the boys for me. Bye for now."

When she hung up i ran inside and found qariah. When i told her we called nae and had our little momment till everythig died down. Once everyone was in on what happened we all hung out in the living room watching twilight movies. Ray rays idea by the way. When everyone fell asleep roshon and i went into the room i was in and just talked.

" im realy happy for you and the girls. You desreve it"

" i just wanted to say thankyou"

" for what?"

" Yesterday you really made me feel alot better"

"It was nothing friends are suppose to help each other out right"


We went to my house to pack my bags and came back to the hotel. Me and the girls got our own hotel room, and once we hit those beds we were knocked out. Only time can tell whats going to happen next.

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