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MY life should be normal, but its not. I should be in a regular school learning and wanting better for my self,but im not, I dont. I should live in a humbled home with a mother and father, and little sibblings. Showing them not to make the same stupid mistakes ive made. Sadly it can never be that way. My name is Toy. My family isnt really a family anymore. its more of a group of associates that occasionally talk. My mom is a cosmertologist. Its not that she dosent love me, but she is always busy traveling from state to state. Going to fashion shows, tours, out of the country, the whole nine. It's not like she intended to leave me by myself after all that has happened including the divorce, but i'd rather work on my own career then to follow in her footsteps followig her around all day watching her do what she does. I would just feel like an unwanted figure in the background.

My dad left to california when i was 14. He left with whatever love for him i had left. He took my brother and sister all the way across the damn country and expects me to be happy with him, even though he barely even speaks to me. I mean what big star movie producer would want to own a piece of shit like me. Yea he sends me little things from time to time, but money cant buy back what has already been ripped away from me.

Its not like im completely alone. I do have my Rod's. The ones who have stuck with me through thick and thin Qariah and nae. They have always had my back and whenever i did something stupid and tottally obnoxious they were there for me no matter how stupid i acted.
They are the reason i get up everyday, Them and my dream. My dream of becoming a singer and singing my heart out to the world, Releasing my pain out in song without having to take my pain out on a bottle of moscato or any other alcoholic beverage.

When my mom and dad were going through their divorce i didnt know how to take it. I went out one night and discovered what alcohol can really do for you. I ended up passing out and getting taken advantage of. You would think that i would have learned from that misake, but it only made me drink more. Thats when i started becoming what everyone called a bitch. Fighting, running around with gangbangers, and doing everything i knew i wasnt suppose to. If it werent for my bestfriends im not sure i would be here right now. Come to think of it, this isnt the behavior you would think could come out of a rich "Family's" daughter, but what can i say? i am who i am.

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