Meeting the crew

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(A/N: I bet you guys are like where is princeton well we shall see.)

When i woke up I went straight to the shower.The warm water felt so good on my back, I couldve stayed there forever, But my phone started to vibrate. I got out of the shower and took care of the rest of my hygene things and checked my phone.

[Text Convo]

-Diego- I hope what i said to you yesterday really did make sense. I just wanted you to have a good day, and know thati know your mad at me still but i just want you to know i really do trully love you.

[End of text convo]

He just dose not know when to quit. I didnt reply back i just through my phone on the bed and got ready.

Me and the girls were suppose to go to rehearsal with boys and meet the entire crew that would be on th tour. They said were gonna put on a show? i didnt understand what they meant by that but i never understand anything. I walked out of the room and everyone else was still asleep except for one person sitting on the couch. It was a guy i knew that for sure because he had a boyish figure. The guy had on a nirvana hoody with really curly hair. He was sitting on the couch writting in a little notebook on his lap, It looked like he was deep in thought. I was curious to find out what he was writting so i kind of tried to sneak up behind him to take a peak but of course my clumsy self tripped and knocked the book right out of his hands....

When he looked up i was so embarrased. It was princeton. Yea you know the really sexy guy from mb and my celebrity crush. Yea..Him. I always seem to fuck up my first impressions with cellebrities. I have no clue why.

"are you looking for something?"

" Oh no im sorry it was my mistake."

" It's alright, But if your gona stalk me you should do it during another time"

"Uh huh yea sure." i said walking into roshons room. I couls still hear the entire conversation wich was pretty ammussing to me.

"So im guessing you have met toy" ray said

"That was toy?"

Ray- "No shit nigga" He said laughing.

It got pretty quite after that and i was just chillin on roshons bed listening to kendrick lamar and on instagram. Roshon came in and jumped right next to me on the bed.

" Whatcha doing" he said trying to take my phone. I slapped his chest and sat up


I looked at my phone only to see there was two new text messages from diego. I groaned. It just made me so mad whenever i saw his name.

"Whats wrong?

"Ok so tell me why out of no where i saw diego yesterday at the gym, and now he wont stop texting me after i told him to leave me the fuck alone.?"

"oh was that the guy from last night"

"Yea he apologised for what he did but now i just dont like him"

"You want me to get him, cause you know no one fucks with my lil sis. Me and ray can show him whatsup"

"What you meant to say was ray will be acting dumb asf and you'll just be laughing at the scene"

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