On our way to fame.

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I can't believe this is really happening. Me and the girls were really about to get on a plane to new York preparing to be famous.Its been already two Weeks since That big encounter with diego, and surprisingly it hasnt been difficult to forget about him. yea I get a few flashbacks about our past but its whatever I can take it like a big girl. When I got back to the hotel after taking a quick jog around the park me and the girls got in my car heading for the airport.

"Nae whats up with you and ray." I said driving down the highway

"What about us i mean were friends" she said doing a kanye shrug

"What about you qariah? I know you didnt tell him" I asked

"Well im not telling him obviously, and he has a gf" she said nonchanantly

"Nina?" I asked trying to focus on the road

"Yea" she turned to stare out the window.

It was quiet again for a while until nae spoke up.

Nae-"Soooo juguete guess who called for you (jugette means toy)

"Well obviously im not going to guess right, so who is it?"

"Frezh" she sing songed

I screamed

Toy-"Foreal he called. why didnt you tell me you douche pass me my phone."

Kenny AKA Frezh was my best guy friend since kindergarten. When i lived in california and everything was all gucci and all we were so close that all his girlfriends hated me. I bet they were happy as hell when i was put out of the picture,and moved to atlanta. I missed him like crazy .

When we got on the plane i sat by the window and started texting him. He was going to come to our first show in new york since he had a high school tour he would be on. I couldnt wait to see his goofy ass. I was so happy i put on my music and drowned everything going on around me out.

"Passengers we will be taking off in about 20 minutes please hurry to take your seats" the overhead speakers sounded.

New york here we come


I sat by the window with my eyes closed and headphones in listening to bad by wale waiting for the plane to take off. About five minutes before the plane was about to take off someone tapped my shoulder. Annoyed I opened my eyes to see who it was. It was a guy with grey or greenish hazel eyes,I couldn't really make them out. He was wearing a red beanie that had the words old on it, a red shirt, some black skinnies and black beats around his neck. He was gorgeous, and i'm not even exaggerating. I was snapped out of my daze when I noticed he was talking to me, but I had no clue what he was saying.

"I'm sorry what did you say"

"can I sit here?" He asked with a smile

"oh yea sure" I said removing my notebook From the seat.

I put back in my earphones and took out my phone to text qariah.


Toy-OMFG qariah some sexy ass dude just sat by me and im nervous as hell... WTF 2 do!!??

Qariah-Damn daddy Lmao, What do you want me to do about that XD

Toy-Idk, Im nervous as hell

Qariah-You actin dumb, you act like you never been by a cute guy before.

Toy- -__- who?

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